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  1. I

    Favorite Little Debbie Snacks

    i was gonna add them but i had to have room for others. and lets face it thier the shit end of the stick when it comes to lil dbezzy
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    found this little guy on my porch

    Stick it up your butt, and through your eye.
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    Things become normal on Meth

    fucking lawl
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    10 yr old chinese kid goes is sophmore. in college

    He's Asian. This is expected.
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    World War 3

    OK, I'll explain it again. You said that that we could'nt join in any future WWIII because we are too divided. I pointed out that we no less divided in 1939, and far more divided in 1914, but in neither case did it stop us going to war.
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    Pick You Favorite.

    super homo
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    If i buy an iphone from america, will it work here in australia? I want to buy this. Does it take micro sims? And would it work in australia? Would i need to get it unlocked so i can use it on optus? If so how much would that cost?
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    Church of Dodgy

    No, I miss my Raptor Jesus Church.:(
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    what xbox 360 game should i ask for, for x-mas?

    I already have rage, battlefield 3, mw3 and saints row 3
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    Women banned from direct combat roles in US army

    maybe not, but it does mean that you wouldnt ask for the help even if it was available
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    Software like dvd fab for mac?

    I used to used dvd fab for my windows computer for dvd ripper. (so i could convert dvds to ipod) What is the closest software that will do this easily for me for mac? I do not mind at all if it costs.
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    Cologne question

    depends on my day. school-none, my deodorant is potent enough hanging out with random people- 1 on the chest hanging out with females i want to do stuff with- chest and the good ol walk through.
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    10 myths women have about men

    In relation to sleeping around and dating history, i've slept with a few people and had 1 night stands, i would never judge someone and think badly of them for something i had doneas well. Booksie whats your problem with no 5?
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    parents and non parents.

    My nieces and nephews take being ignored as a cue to do whatever they want. Which normally ends in a fight with someone getting hurt. It's a tactic that has to be used in context. For example if you put a kid on the "naughty step" and then ignore them. They get the message being bad equals...
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    Stomach Hair

    Yeah, stomach hair.
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    who has/is working at bestbuy

    thats why i want to work at bestbuy computer crap
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    i need some advice

    lol wtf you came in your hand? At least go in the sink even if you have nowhere else to go
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    School boy wears skirt to school

    I wonder at the idea that conforming to social norms is a virtue in itself. Most social norms are arbitrary, ritualistic behaviours. I mean...when ONE person shows arbitrary, ritualistic behaviour, there's seen to be something wrong with them. And yet when an entire society does it, it's seen...
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    statutory rape laws

    In Britain any form of undesired sexual contact ie. touching kissing etc etc is considered sexual harassment. Any form of penetration is deemed a form of sex. Underage sex is considered illegal. Underage sex with someon 12 or under is automatically considered rape as well as any other charges...
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    ST: I bring you the most epic sammich ever.(56k, GTFO)

    you forgot to toast?