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  1. L

    Katie Couric interview with Sarah palin

    Ditto. Clinton may have made it easier but it was Bush's administration that allowed it to happen, aided by his policies which went against the workers.
  2. L

    MAP members you are attracted to

  3. L


    Hmm, I know a guy that knows a guy who might be able to fix your sarcasm radar.
  4. L

    What do you think of my writing?

    I thought it was pretty bad. I don't normally say that, but here's why. First, it's all in one freakin' block. Add double spaces at paragraphs, it'll give less headaches. Second, what's with the numbers? Do they mean something? It's just awkward at this points. Thirdly, what? What just...
  5. L

    Can you read and rate this story?

    I just want brutal honesty, if you will. The comment that leads to the most beneficial changes will, obviously, receive ten points. I appreciate you reading this, if you do. It'd just be great to get other opinions on what I do, and how it can be made better...
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    Baby the only dick I ride is yours
  7. L

    Hard-hitting news...

    Men unite, where's your sisters?
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    does a 1995 Honda Accord EX have keyless entry?

    My brother has a 1994, and does not have keyless entry. My guess would be that it doesn't. Sorry =/
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    The Poopie List

    hahaha that was great
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    ms paint and shit

    drag and drop
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    The England Queen

    Be like the Russians and 'shoot' the royals, on camera of course, or so they said.. everyone say cheese
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Dressed up for a football game, I am bamf watch out everyone...
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    Single for the first time in a looong time, need some suggestions for new clothes

    How about....wear some jeans/shirts, and have game, rather than have to rely on clothes to impress?
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    Sleep Remedies?

    This is the best advice I can give.
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    Police dog fail

    Maybe, maybe not. Who cares? I just thought it looked funny.
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    Who needs sci-fi when you have pictures of deep sea fish?

    Works fine here! Dayum those are some butt-ugly critters!
  17. L

    Why do I have 17 warning levels?

    I doubt it. There is no limit on thread creation.
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    The Battle Picture Thread

    this outta deal with them easily enough
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    why has it become acceptable for 13 and 12 year old girls to even be interested

    in sex!!? i think it it soo gross that girls are becoming sexually active a lot younger! what are your thoughts
  20. L

    why has it become acceptable for 13 and 12 year old girls to even be interested

    in sex!!? i think it it soo gross that girls are becoming sexually active a lot younger! what are your thoughts