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  1. M


    Oh no it's that gigolo position all over again! Whistle & flute (as if you didn't know)
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    unanswerable questions

    if it's a shot glass and it's half empty,you better get it down! if it's half full; you damn well better keep pouring!
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    unanswerable questions

    Being an engineer... the glass is overspecified; it's twice as large as it needs to be. Alternatively, if your specification is for the glass and not for the milk, you've been shortchanged on the milk; the milk is insufficient.
  4. M

    Chinese worker suddenly famous

    anyone got the pic?
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    Well I am certainly glad they cleared this up....

    Glad I could help there Nordic! Just don't lie down in any gorilla nests!
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    Detatching from the Ego.

    can't stand this pseudointellectual babble
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    Greatest internet Fad

    the boxman dance
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    Tabacco products.

    Hookah Dip on occasion Cigars...
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    what are you doing at exactly this moment??

    haha i just might yoshi for that one
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    funny names

  11. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'm possibly the only woman on my floor at work who isn't in a relationship, and I know that people talk about it. Maybe not about me but some of the guys who are single and are really trying to find someone sure get a ribbing for their failed efforts. One is a guy who said fairly unpleasant...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Oh I'm ok. Just have to avoid doing certain head/neck movements. Or flying into rages for that matter...Otherwise I'm fine
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    Yoga = Devil

    "Yoda she was doing not"
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    ICE Storm Coming!

    :rolleyes: I s'pose.
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    I salute you Homer J Simpson..... I decided not to post the ceiling cat pic in case I got told off!!!!
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    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    Ewwwwww.....Oi vey
  17. M

    Should women fight on the frontline?

    Yes, I am. As well as an 11X - Drill Sgt. I've trained the men who become our infantry soldiers so I'm well versed in how hardened they become. I served during Honduras, Panama, Desert Shield and Storm... I have a few medals and commendations.
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    R.I.P Rikki Fulton

    Sad Day, Francy & Josie was one of the best all time double acts there was
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    Help with gear stick!

    The best I can find is "Renault Clio Petrol and Diesel Service and Repair Manual: 01-04" on Amazon. Mine's a 2006 model... Funnily enough, the Haynes website itself doesn't list any Renault manuals when you do a search my year, make, model. Guess they had a falling out or something or work...