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  1. R

    is watching tv a waste of time

    Here is a post no one is going to like. I think TV is a waste of time if you watch TV solely for entertainment. I think it can be a great teaching tool, and is also a valuable tool for disseminate information to the public, but sitting and watching TV is a waste of time. I also think playing...
  2. R

    the "penis game"

    the "penis game" Fail ^
  3. R

    Do you like the person above you?

  4. R

    girls :O

    I dig redheads but there are very few hot ones so I find black hair to be extremely attractive
  5. R

    what part of st actually plays paintball

    ohh your cute
  6. R


    your pushing it there buddy
  7. R

    How old are you?

    I'm fine, thank you.
  8. R

    Wild accussation

    Slapjitsu is the martial art he has invented ... It has only slaps.
  9. R

    Wild accussation

    aiki wants to adopt me as one of his children, since corona will keep all of hers to herself
  10. R

    I just waxed my bikini line!

    in before pics or it didnt happen edit; beaten to it lol
  11. R

    Why are alot of products from China sub-standard? Reason I ask this is because...

    ...of below ref. article.?
  12. R

    Should I tell my future fiancee that I was married briefly before?

    Yes, you need to tell her. You know why you need to tell her? First, if you don't it will be forever bothering you and occupying your mind, plus by omission, it becomes a lie, as you have not been honest with her. Just think if SHE did the same thing to you. Wouldn't you be upset? I think...
  13. R

    Plans for the weekend or to night ??

    When im single again i want to go to Pattaya
  14. R

    Pissed and Pregnant

    Yes that was mentioned in the program. Those laws came about because a woman was hauled into court on an attempted murder charge because she went out and got smashed and told the bar man she was pregnant then apparently confessed to the police she was trying to kill her baby. When the baby was...
  15. R

    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    Alright calm down, loved the baby boomer comment. I said that was MY only reason for considering uni as a way of showing I have no real interest in attending. Did I say its a party lifestyle all day every day? No.
  16. R

    If someone gave you a dvd player as a wedding gift, what would you do ?

    When someone gives you a gift, you should feel grateful. That person thought enough about you to come up with a nice gift idea and also to spend the money. Sometimes people don't have alot of money and will do the best they can to come up with a nice gift. I think that the groom is an ingrate...
  17. R

    Sending photo greeting cards for Christmas?

    Don't do that! That would be worse than not sending any photo.
  18. R

    where can i find a cheap iphone?

    the cheapest iphone? i just want a basic one not fussed abotu the most up to date one............also whats the difference between iphone and itouch?
  19. R

    Do you think that the Michelle Obama pregnancy rumors are true?

    I haven't heard that rumor. But if it is true, what of it? She is married and successful, and if she is sexy to her husband at least she keeps him at home. what problem do you see with it if she is? I am a Republican and find your question kind of childish