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  1. H

    Ultimate best state V.2, CA vs TX vs NY vs FL

    Agriculture dumbfuck, you know the shit you people eat? But besides that, California has an even greater agriculture market than Texas so...
  2. H

    Purchase of weapons

  3. H

    saltines. saltines.

    well way to go all of you? :tup:
  4. H

    Turnkey Tyranny: Edward Snowden, PRISM, America Spies On World, Lavabit Self-shutdown

    How do you think he should have gone about revealing what he knew? What exactly do you think that the 'proper channels' would be, given the extraordinary nature of what he was revealing?
  5. H

    new into the fitness world but i have a few questions?

    First thing is you should determine your BMI. If you are obese or overweight you should work to achive a correct bmi. Then you should constantly work to build muscle. Beer is upto you. Eat healthy, stop junk food, workout.
  6. H

    Zodiac signs and Compatibility

    The only thing astrology is good for is chatting up gullible birds. Aside from that, it's complete crap. Slip - you mentioned the trick I've used before where you give the wrong birth date to some "expert" and let them waffle on until you bring the misery! Hilarious stuff. Who first invented...
  7. H

    Mitt Romney

    Just a lighter (although not less serious) comment that I recently found on youtube: ROMNEY VS. MUHAofftopicD ALI! (John Fugelsang/Caffeinated#1) - YouTube Gotta love political commentary ;' ) LFD
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    Mitt Romney

    I say, vote every one (politician) out after a first term.
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    new picture battle

    [No message]
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    Late night culinary delights

    just chocolate.......very sweet
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    Do you do fishing?

    Small mouth in the upper Potomac; crappie and large mouth in the C&O canal; Rockfish, stripers, croakers in the Bay; Tuna, Dolphin, Mackeral in the Atlantic. I did a little trout fishing when they would stock the local creeks/rivers. Now, I get Redfish, Tarpon, Yellow-tails, Jack Crevals...
  12. H

    I'm suffering from intense depression, and in the same time I'm suffering from...?

    I think you need to sleep 8 -10 hours intense sleep. Good walking/exercise can give you good sleep. Eat good food (chicken) and take multivitamins and sleep . Sleep first!!
  13. H

    Is this a good deal for PS3 40GB with spiderman blueray dvd?

    When I saw it was 41 $, fantastic deal!!
  14. H

    Is this a good deal for PS3 40GB with spiderman blueray dvd?

    When I saw it was 41 $, fantastic deal!!