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    Good or Evil?

    yea, ok, whoever is neutral just say it.
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    Funny Names

    Do you have to wear high heels? The list is endless!
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    Who is going to win World Cup Soccer 2006?

    Rciardo was great at those penalties but I don't think he was the best overall. Buffon and Lehmann are the best.
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    Help Kickstart World War III (satire)

    Hilarious. Help Kickstart World War III! - YouTube
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    Welcome to Britain!

    True dat!
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    Probably because if we went by humans primitive desire for revenge we'd probably still be doing stuff akin to vlad the impaler. Thats probably one reason why we often dont follow what the public thinks.
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    I am the first :D

    ya, It's the best on sandwiches, but it's something I can live without
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    Happy Canada Day!

    144 years young... Glad to see the country still thrives. Happy Birthday Canuckistan!!! LFD
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    A question for the Brits, Scots, Irish perhaps?

    The Fureys are as you say Irish, but on their classic version of that song Davy Arthur from Aberdeen sings the lyrics. Leopardskin is usually for the Big drum in the corps or the bandmaster.
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    Worst things to have eaten

    TOS 1.7 I might leave this one away from moderators and admin. Fair fight. Or was it? There's much time to think.
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    DIY Punching Bag Attachment

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.
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    Another example of tolerance

    Imagine the consequence if our government did something similar to a foreign worker here, if it was a Muslim id hate to think of the aftermath.
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    brunettes are teh win, blonds teh lost

    :tup: The Mythbuster grl is sooooooooo fine
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    worst hollywood actor/actress ?

    the 10 worst actor/actress!/.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzbTRndDdzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0g0NDNfMTI1/SIG=138dp3ud2/EXP=1259994659/**http%3a//
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    learning guitar

    Sounds suspect, need more details really.
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    Game Informer (Through GameStop.) Road & Track Car & Driver DuPont Registry Makes & Models Modified Luxury & Exotics
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    My gay christian friends have just gotten married?

    champagne glasses with their names and marriage date on it? Can be used on anniversary's.
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    If all fell shirt of teh glowring of Cod why dose cristain allwiz judg...

    I'm drunk so you're speaking my language!
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    Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so

    I believe in the almighty Thor! How dare you!