Search results

  1. B

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
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    My Wrestling Coach

    did he watch you in the shower?
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    Computers surpassing humans

    That's why they are developing an AI child at present, has the conversation skills of a 3 year old, learning from people speaking to it on the internet. Spooky thing is it's/his? name is HAL
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    Yahoo Vs. Google

    Scroogle. Love it!
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    Yahoo Vs. Google

    Altavista - not a better one out there. uses the Yahoo base (which sends all replies back, instead of the 'there are others if you're interested' option on Google) AND allows much more control through Boolean operators. Overall, I find that with just a little extra effort...
  6. B

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    BMI is useless in itself, It doesn't allow for muscle mass. I'm just going by the video's you have posted up recently and i really don't think you need to worry about losing weight. Perhaps the skinnys that roll well are younger, more flexible or just have better technique.
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    Would you be a vampire?

    Maybe. I might stand there and let whomp me. Buffy is cute.
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    ST help me. Ppl keep saying shit about my feet

    nahh to much effort. i just step on them :dodgy:
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    Was I abducted by aliens?

    This is a Solifugae. Like a camel spider, but it isn't. It's also pretty fast for a spider and burrows holes in the dirt. Those large things on the head . . . . those are it's mandibles, there are four. It's like a mini-predator.
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    he was in the mighty ducks too
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Win all over.
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    Is there a SAFE FREE website to get ringtones? I use it and it's been reliable for years. You dont even need a membership or sign up just go to the site type what you want and download. Be sure to click the box where it says free and it even cones with free gamez and wallpapers
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    How about deamonic possession?
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    what nationality are you.

    nah not really, it doesnt bother me any
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    Why are you more oldschool than the person above you?

    I remember the cold war.
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    I support....

    You're back on my list now!
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    I love MAP!!!!!!!

    We all miss Koyo.
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    If you had $1,000,000...

    good luck living off $25k a year.