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  1. D

    weirdest thing

    Mouse swimming in a glass of vodka, pretty funny.
  2. D

    a message from aliens?!?!

    Imma fap now.
  3. D

    Fuckin Spider!!!!

    stab it with a knife
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    A Thread About Nothing.....

    hey, i almost forgot, i'm not talking to you
  5. D

    The price of alcohol

    Yep,My memory is pretty shocking Aikie , and worries me on a regular basis. As a student I would definitely have answered yes to too many of those questions .I was shocked into sorting myself out in my 2nd year when I almost failed the whole year but was given a 2nd chance by the head of...
  6. D

    So, DID they have navels?

    lol @ religion
  7. D

    How tall are you ST?

    Just about 6'3". 6'4" ish with shoes.
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    Women in the Infantry

    Wow, this has really confirmed my belief that people authoritatively state opinions they have no basis to make due to a belief they are entitled. I'll keep my opinions to myself, even though the Captain that wrote the article did stumble into my AO for a few days to turn our hill into a PB...
  9. D

    Using propaganda.

    Just to clarify - I wasn't using 'good men' and 'good guys' in the hero/villain aspect, but just generally. I'm sure there are some absolute prats serving over in Iraq. I just hate to see well-adjusted, loving, caring, happy people turned into either a) Dead people, or b) Evil/mentally scarred...
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    K9's *pics

  11. D

    ST photobucket

    Done uploading LOL WUT Pedobear Sparta Shoop Woop Gonna upload some random stuff and do the captioned ones later on today.
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    Cybernation V5.0

    If Harb makes me a PbN moderator, and buys me an ASM, I can get BACON out of that mess.
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    AP Impact: Islamic schools lure African boys into begging?;_ylt=Ai3EZhNUoQnBxKtUC_Ru1n0DW7oF I've just read this on Y!News and trying not to feel hatred for all muslims.
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    Poll-Are you wearing shoes?

    * I'm wearing flip-flops
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    Is this some serious depression, or just another rut?

    you should see a school counselor, even if ur not depressed talking things out always helps and guides you in the future as well you won't experience such episodes again.
  16. D

    What do u think of PDA's?

    i see some couples all the time clinging to each other all the time it's disgusting uncomfortable, wish they'd leave it home and just behave in public like others are supposed to. PDA= public display of affection thorton: i don't even like to hold hands in public i meant to say Thorn J and...