Search results

  1. J

    Ultimate best state V.2, CA vs TX vs NY vs FL

    its between tx and florida for me. i have been to cali and its def not my thing, too liberal and hilary clintonish I like guns, 2 stroke engines, woman, and big trucks. o and all the folding chairs that are illegal in cali :dodgy:
  2. J

    You vs Monkey

    got 7. fuck.
  3. J

    Who Created God?

    Anthropic principles are valid. I'm afraid your tail is wagging the dog.. What the odds that I'm on the internet right now? 1 in 100 that I'm male? 1 in 2 Exactly 31 years , n days, x seconds, p nanoseconds old.. in as small a number as I require. OMG! The odds on that are so tiny as to be...
  4. J

    Walking Barefoot on broken glass Try this one it should work.
  5. J

    Running out of helium

    Children everywhere are crying. No more shiny balloons. On a serious note... I like blimps and balloons as much as the next guy... but how many operating blimps are there out there these days. I can only think of 1 and that's the Goodyear blimp. I think their's a few of them... but I doubt...
  6. J

    The police truly are amazing

    agreed. the leo's i've met have always been very professional and helpful. is the problem that they're in such a position of power that the bad seemingly is the only thing people notice? for me, i respect leo's, firefighters, paramedics, nurses (and other public servants) so much. for what...
  7. J

    best and worst chat up lines

    Guaranteed to fail: "You smell, wanna take a shower together?"
  8. J

    Please sign my petition

    I have been on the Kingsway in Swansea on a Saturday night, that's too high a price to pay for me.
  9. J

    What are you doing right now?

    she should do what i do. instead of walking, i run to the kitchen and back to my chair when i want cookies.
  10. J

    Pizza Hut snobby girl

    Hehehehe. I love the moment of realisation. I should make my profile more anonymous to heighten the "Phone Booth" factor.
  11. J

    Morph pictarsss

    no miley cyrus :dodgy:
  12. J

    Wizdom Teeth

    Your trying to hard. You compare to good poster on ST Good poster of St are up here ex. Death Lep, snollor, Jon. xxChasexx You
  13. J

    Got fired

    Because the problem is being caused by your state of mind not because of an already apperent problem in your body. Yes it can have physical symtons eventually but the cause is not physical. Ofcourse you can argue that mental is also a function of our physical body but lets save that discussion...
  14. J

    Your favorite

    He's just using his body to get what he wants. I don't blame him.
  15. J

    Parents: How do you feel about the smoking ban(s)?

    where i live u cant smoke in public places anywhere. i live in IL i like it
  16. J

    husband doesnt want me to live on university campus?

    I had a really crummy childhood. To keep myself going I told myself that when Im old enough to go to university, thats when my life will begin and I can leave everything else behind me. I wanted to have a degree, and also live on the campus to experience the student life. This thought kept me...
  17. J

    Where in the Miami Area is a good place to see celebrities or other cool places to

    go? We are taking a cruise with our teen aged children. We will have a few extra hours before and after to do some sight seeing around the area. Please give us some pointers, it does not necessarily have to be celeb hot spots, but something that they think will be "cool".