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  1. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    So wait, a vase is your new best friend? It's fairly pretty, I give you that, but really?
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I have a cappuccino eclair, mini strawberry pavlova and mini victoria sponge cake for dessert later on (and yes, I'm comfort eating because I should have been squatting tonight but am taking a week off to sort my back out ).
  3. B

    Cutest vids and pics :)

    chicken dog
  4. B

    Guess who I met?

    You wanted a nude postcard of Pac?
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    Top Ten Bears,does this include your fave?

    Did you look at his link?
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    Life could be very short.

  7. B

    muslim suspended for wearing veil

    I'm thinking in this instance in particular it's the needs of the children that come first. She works in a school so should really go by their rules etc. The lea didn't carry out the correct greivance procedures, hence her receving some compensation for her upset. This is a different situation...
  8. B

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Clearly you haven't learned to play the sympathy card
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    Life Sentence for Abortion

    baubin: I'll also try to avoid the can of worms and narrow the issue: Abortion is fine. But you failed to talk about this scenario. When did it become morally acceptable to punch yourself in the gut and have your boyfriend repeatedly kick you to induce a miscarriage? Isn't that taking...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Those meat and potato pies have lots of calcium in them, do they?
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    Money $$$!

    Amen Kung Fu Girl..A one time friend invited me over to his house to hear a motivational speaker..He turned out to be the front man for Amway..I didn't speak to him for a long time..
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    I hope they turn this into a film

    Nice, I hadn't seen that version yet! It's gonna be a good summer for movies!
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    Impossible puzzle? Nope.

  14. B

    Just Found My Old Profile

    Wow. I can't believe I use to listen to ICP xD. Brought back memories. EDIT: To think, the only difference in my new name is the "1". Show's my creativity huh? :/
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    What are you doing right now?

    What else would a wolf do with a little woman
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    casual abortion

    I am sorry Endeavor, but I must correct you in your compliments towards me. It is not just myself who believes in the proven science that is Quantem physics, nor is it I who invented as you suggest. That credit belongs to smarter people than me. Endeavor you are such a contributive member to...
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    At&t: Does the unlimited family texting plan cover the iPhone?

    I have an iPhone with unlimited texting. My parents are going to upgrade their phones and get my little sister a phone. The person at the at&t store was confusing and I'm pretty sure he said that the family texting plan doesn't cover the iPhone. Is that true? Would we really have to pay 20 for...
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    Do i have to return my iPhone If i cancel my plan?

    I'm confused. You're planning on getting an iPhone but you said you paid $200 for it already. I don't get it...
  19. B

    Why can I not get on facebook anymore using internet explorer?

    I use internet explorer, and it's always worked great, but yesterday it decided that it didn't want me getting on fb with it. It says "internet explorer cannot open the internet site operation aborted." So I have been using firefox for facebook. But I don't want to...