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  1. D

    what animal...?

    an owl i want to make one make the "o rly" face
  2. D

    seeing in slow motion

    My MA training has taught me to observe 'micro movements' before my opponant actually starts moving...this gives me extra nanoseconds to respond. Makes it feel like an expansion of time.
  3. D

    female passiveness

    See now that would fine when guys realise that in the UK its now 30p to use a payphone, not as catchy.
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

  5. D

    Big day tommorow and half of my eyebrow is gone!

    Decay, give us an update! I want to know what happened...
  6. D

    Has anyone seen this crazy "Knockout Game"?

    Has anyone seen this crazy "Knockout Game"? I'm so hip me and my hipster friends played knockout before it was cool.
  7. D

    I'd bet all the "Success Stories" are fabricated. Still, try and cash out and see what happens.
  8. D

    Paying for church

    We all are supporting every single church in our towns, states, and country by making them tax exempt. If cities want to fix their budgets, they should make the churches pay taxes on just their property. While my taxes used to go through the roof every year (I no longer own a home), the...
  9. D

    The world is messed up..

    Im with you !
  10. D

    ST: What are some Frat pledging stories you know?

    I understand that, but the whole idea of a "fraternity" is a brotherhood. I can see how college frats have degraded the whole idea of the fraternity into a dumbshit party house, but it wasn't always that way. There are true fraternities that genuinely care about their members personal virtues...
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    gameboy micro

  12. D

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    I bet you could use math to devise some deadly weapons though. Either way I think you missed the point. JX, what is OSU?
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    Things that make you go AHHHHHHH

    yes i have a thing for you and your sexy hairy back Carys
  14. D

    The Light

    I will, this guys retarded
  15. D

    The English Perspective on Scottish Independence and the End of the Union.

    They're our royal family to dude. You have to learn to share. Well bin collection is a small issue until nobody is collecting. Don't underestimate how important bin collection is. The fact that England doesn't have it's own Holyrood style devolved parliament has nothing to do with Scotland...
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    Pissed and Pregnant

    So the price of a human life is the cost of an abortion? So by the same logic, is it irresponsible to keep severely handicapped children alive? Shouldn't we just abort these kids before they are born? As I noted women have a lot of contraceptive options. It's not limited to the pill. They even...
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    Easter Question

    lol my imaginary friend is jesus
  18. D

    Poll for Scots (or anyone interested)

    Only to an extent though. The Scottish here are true Scottish. The city centre on the other hand is a whole different kettle of fish. I mean apart from anything else (no offense intended) there are a load of English here for uni etc. I mean most of my friends are actually english living in...
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    Restoring a 1962 GMC Suburban?

    12,000 to 25,000 dollars to restore.