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  1. G

    guys; what part of a womans body do u like best?

    I am a sucker for a great pair of legs. Give me amazing legs over anything else.
  2. G

    ~~ Watermelon - Bacardi vs Smirnoff ~~

    19, close.
  3. G

    Quick chem question.

    well lets see...hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizer... my guess would be its freeing the hydrosulfite and bisulfite salts from the sodium and yielding sulfur
  4. G

    Relativity drive: The end of wings and wheels?

    Actually our way of driving is the original one, driving on your side came from the French Revolution. Feel proud.
  5. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrr! I have a slight niggling ache on the back of my left leg, behind the knee. I think it might be to do with the height of my bike seat. The last time I got it I was doing a lot of cycling, and since I stopped cycling it went away. I guess I need to play around with my seat height.
  6. G

    What is a good beginner Sport bike?

    Get a 600cc bike.. a 250 is fine but you will lose money as you will want more power in a few months!! I did that.. got a cbf 250 and it was great! but after 2 months I was dying to have more power.. and i'm not a fast rider!.. I got a bandit 600 and its more than fine for beginners. I got it 2...
  7. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    It was beautiful outside and was perfect for taking some photo shots. But the problem was that I was sick. So I'm lying in my bed staring outside witnessing a great sunset but having a mental seizure because I couldn't get outside. My window is frozen and I'm not well enough to go outside...
  8. G

    Man Gets $2.6m for Domain Name

    Lucky son of a bitch. :tup:
  9. G

    RIP News of the World

    perish the thought!
  10. G

    Help, Im soooo Hungover!

    That's more like it
  11. G

    "Levels of rape"

    "Levels of rape" a girl had sex with my flatmate and his friend in the same evening. now they both have herpes... -_- the function of sex is to reproduce. if a mother of two is doing the same same as that girl with my flatmate and his friend then would you say that shes not just sleeping around?
  12. G

    Oldest join date

    Im not
  13. G


    I might get some small ones...when I was a senior in high school i had my eyebrow pierced...but I decided to take it out when I wrestled with my friends one bled...that was my deciding I say no to piercings...
  14. G

    Universal Question:Boxers or Briefs?

    I couldn't imagine wearing a thong and grappling. It split you right in two.
  15. G

    Can Vampires get fat?

    The record keeper in Blade wasn't a vampire. It was TKDMitch.
  16. G

    (Attention Men!!) Want to live longer?

    So nobody noticed the fact that the journal entry was fake?
  17. G


    how do i copy a picture onto a message, so it will come up on a thread
  18. G


    wawa is good but i went to sheetz and im not gunna lie i think i like it better
  19. G

    Which pepsi is better?

  20. G

    bluetooth for the Playstation 3?

    GO TO SETTINGS>>ACCESSORY SETTINGS>>>AUDIO SETTINGS and then look for your headset... click triangle and then select "connect"... then OK to exit.