Search results

  1. M

    Do you have the hots for anyone on TSR?

    Wait till you get to 25. I feel ancient on here. That doesn't stop me perving over 18 year old profile pics though :yep:
  2. M

    Would you ever go out with someone on ihav?

    Would you ever go out with someone on TSR? That's the last time I ever get into a shower with him after swimming :sadnod: If he offers you haribo and red power ranger figurines to meet him...DON'T! :no: I thought he was just being friendly when he bought me those speedos as my swimming shorts...
  3. M

    Gun Control

    Getting hold of an illegal gun in Britain isn't an easy thing for the vast majority of people. There does appear to be something of a rise in fatal shootings lately, but they are still very rare and still newsworthy events. (Whereas I'd guess that they rarely even make the news headlines in...
  4. M

    MAP is awesome

    Skrom, it means you've been picking on a mentally challenged person again (remember 'Shadow Gardian'?) To keep it on topic, its great how we get such a variety of people on MAP. MAP is truly awesome
  5. M

    Would you hug a gay guy?

    lol if he was someone i knew or a friend who for some reason wants a hug, i wouldnt mind giving him a hug. I dont really care what orientation someone is. Im secure enough with my orientation that giving a gay guy a hug doesnt mean i want to suck his dick
  6. M

    Does the Stargate Universe Season 1 DVD come with an episode guide?

    I just bought SGU season 1 from JB Hi-Fi and I noticed that it didn't have an episode guide or a list of episodes anywhere. I'm wondering if the boxset doesn't come with one or if it's just missing from the DVD i bought.
  7. M

    East coast slang

  8. M

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    As long as they were justifiable and right then I have no problem with it. Maybe people were afraid to defend themselves before. Maybe the criminal dead have increased and the victim death has decreased.
  9. M

    Wanted: Partner

    It Bleeds. It Breathes. What Stands Before Us, Is Not A Machine. It Breathes, It Will Bleed, And It Will Dream. Its Body Is Covered In Hundreds Of Wires. And A Mouth That Attempts To Speak It Attempts to Lie. Only Murmurs Collapse From Its Jaws. And A World, A World Without. A World Without...
  10. M

    Change the song name

    Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2
  11. M

    Third Graders Plot to Kill teacher

    Wrong pictures of the weapons... I believe it was these ones:
  12. M

    ideas for dvd presents for 11 year old girl?

    Narinia High School Musical St Trinians (May be a bit to old?) Toy Story TV box sets I was just thinking of the ones I have seen in HMV lol
  13. M

    What's the worse rumor you heard about you?

    That I say that Michael Jackson was my uncle. But it was only because there is this girl in my year with the same name as me and she said that, so I don't know if that would count
  14. M

    What should i get for Christmas? Im shy to ask my mom those expensive gadgets.?

    Books, DVDs, CDs, clothes and things like that could be good. I hope I gave you some ideas. :)
  15. M

    Did this make you laugh?

    No, I didn't find it funny
  16. M

    If you have directv, how is on demand?

    Does your on demand service have movies and a bunch of free programmes like comcast? Please note that I am not referring to the choice of channels. I'm enquiring specifically on the separate on demand service.
  17. M

    Teen adventure novel with romance included?

    Looking for an adventure book :D With a boy and a girl, they are like best friends and when they come on adventures they slowly fall in love... I don't care what kind of adventure it is. It can be magical or not :D (Just no vampires or faeries) Just want lot of action, funny moments and some...
  18. M

    The Euros

    they do go down a bit easy brushed by TV other day and two fell over