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  1. M

    Who would win USA or Russia?

    No not perfect..... just well disciplined and well trained. Summa the meanest mf'ers you'd ever meet. Lemme know if you wanna meet one........
  2. M

    Shootings in Virginia

    That's a good point. We were hypervigilant about 911 for a while too. And then, to a degree, the feeling wore off. This is precisely what I'm getting at. NO, not everyone reacts the same way. Not even close. I don't know if this issue just doesn't get very good coverage in the UK and...
  3. M

    Rolls not Buns!

    you know it
  4. M

    Looking for feedback on my Poem

    quit posting that you fucking faggot
  5. M

    Fun zombie-killing flash game

    Yea its kinda old i played it on newgrounds when it first came out. But none the less its still fun :tup:
  6. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Martial arts girls are polygamists then?
  7. M

    parents and non parents.

    Save me the trouble of what? Sorry, not following you, I think I need more coffee :[
  8. M

    What type of micro switch does the ares airsoft gearbox use?

    In the trigger assembly, ares has an Electronic switch instead of the traditional switch in v.2 gearboxes. Where can i find one. idon'tt know the type of switch it is. -max
  9. M

    whoah.....i would never mess with this young lady

    You need to be careful with your language. I've retitled this thread.
  10. M

    U.S. Drones Killing Citizens Without Due Process

    I can't argue with that Count.
  11. M

    Alkali metal (Group 1) trends?

    WHY does the boiling/melting point decrease as you go down group one? and WHY does the density increase? Thanks :)
  12. M

    If you had to fight a lion, how would you do it?

    Thats it!!! Wear pith helmet and the big cat will think it would have to swallow that.. Like if it is a nut shell to choke on
  13. M

    new picture battle

  14. M

    Facebook and too much information...

    I have blocked them and hidden them form my feed. I have also blocked everyone that takes these quizes from my news feed. I really dont understand why people become fans of some of these pages. "I like sleeping in," "I don't like being told what to do" - who cares.
  15. M

    Late Night Small Talk: Tiem For Fresh Prince Nao

    wooow:crash: :ugh:
  16. M

    Student job pay

    Door supervision at age 16? Possible but very unlikely.
  17. M

    Why does HIV kill its victims?

    and... why is HIV such an effective parasite.
  18. M

    How to become UFC fighter?

    im 15 years old and i weigh 168 lbs and im 5"10. i wrestle in high school and workout regularly. im also going to taking jujitsu during the summer. does anyone have advice on what to do to become a pro fighter
  19. M

    How old were you when you....?

    16 and 17 holmes p.s. dont text while you drive >_>
  20. M

    my brother is about to drink for the first time ?

    so i need to know what liquor goes doen the smoothest and dosent sting cuz i only drink beer so i really wouldnt know and i dont wanna just make up a random one and screw him over