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    favorite cookie

    Snicker Doodle
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    im really curious???

    I'm really curious about boys.
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    Bell-shaped Distribution?

    Data are drawn from a relatively symmetric and bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 110 and a standard deviation of 4. What percentage of the observations are less than 106? Thank you.
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    Congats to MAP

    arn't those the daily group sesion on MAP chat
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    so i feel like a complete loser

    That does sound like a terrible job.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Spoilsport! I used to have a great bonfire night party. I knew someone who made fireworks and had amazing shows that went on for an hour or more. You had to be more than 50 metres from the fireworks which is difficult in a a 50 feet by 50 feet garden together with a large bonfire made of...
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    Soldier murdered in London

    Do British cop's know where the kill zones are on a person?
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    Accutane stories

    Accutane is known to cause weak joints and depression though. I debated being asked to be put on it but declined because I lift and run four days a week, plus martial arts.
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    Change the song name

    Kiss From A Rose - Seal
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    my gf and i are serious but now shes been giving me reasons to not get closer.she...

    if that is true your relationship is seriously messed up. She can't just not talk to guys for the rest of her life.
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    1 month anniversary :D

    Keep posting Tika!
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    hot. :dodgy:
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    Have I lost the "fight" in me?

    Have I lost the "fight" in me? Dont want to be a stick in the mud here, but also consider not exiting your car next time. Glad to hear it turned out OK..
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    Song for Samuel Ramey

    Samuel Ramey just uploaded a video of himself singing the song: YouTube - Song for Samuel Ramey 003 I changed one of the chords near the end in the version that I wrote up and sent to him. The tempo change was his idea.
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    U.S. intel warns al-Qaida has rebuilt

    * inhales deeply
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    Area 51

    no you dont maybe you want to see one so badly you imagine one, but Mr. Airbrush did his job i did it too just runways
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    Do you like the member above you? V. dgafx3

    Sure why not, norcal is good cause I live there.
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    Dont get this joke. Can you explain it to me ?

    So, there's this retarted kid named Danny. Danny finds a piece of paper on the ground. There's something written on it, but Danny's so retarted that he can't read it. So he goes to his teacher and asks, "What does this say?" His teacher reads it and says "Danny, you're going to the principal's...
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    "Hes Just not that into you" & "Bride Wars"?

    Have you seen either of these movies ? what would you give it out of 10 ? if you've seen both which did you think was better ? Thanks