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  1. K

    Shootings in Virginia

    Because it's not really all that uncommon for gun shops to carry not so legal guns as well. Again Virginia if I remember correctly has some of the most liberal gun laws in the states... I seem to remember reading something that most of the major importers of assault rifles were based out of...
  2. K

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    ======================================================================= Electronics, 3 Skills, 16,750 Points : Electronics III (1) 8,000/256,000 Points : Propulsion Jamming I (3) 750/768,000 Points : Signature Analysis III (1) 8,000/256,000...
  3. K

    Eating Meat?

    too right, thats why we need the occational weekend away
  4. K

    Question for anyone who knows about paypal...

    You sold shoes? Who is more retarded, you? Or maybe the retard who bought your foot fungus traps? Who the hell sells shoes except black people and stoners?
  5. K

    similar to Reese Witherspoon...

    Just make sure your wifes not around lol. She's one of those girls who dances soooo sexy even if she's on her panties and not on thongs.
  6. K

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Not really. There has been lots of fighting due to the way land has been partitioned out. Yet how many have reached the level of terrorist activity and have had as many groups saying they will not stop the killing as long as one last person of the hated group is left alive? Do you think that...
  7. K

    Well the Army finaly fucked me.

    hahaha.. wheres the part of Americas army for xbox where you go through basic and ait all hooah hooah and wanna go to iraq and kill. and then you get to your pogue unit and push paper for a year... wheres that part of the game.. :rolleyes:
  8. K


    Many, many Chinese Olympic swimmers have been caught doping over the years. When a 16-year-old girl performs like that AND has never done that well before AND comes from a country with a history of drugging up its swimmers, there are bound to be suspicions. I'm not saying she's a cheater, but...
  9. K

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    I think state pension should be based on a persons situation. There are people getting a state pension who don't need it to get by. That could free up good money for those that do need more help. I would just like to see as fair system as possible really. I know people who are well off yet they...
  10. K

    Caucasian in my country.

    With that, I rest. I have no more time to waste on this kind of nonsense. But before I go, just some clarification, from the Websters webpage: Definition of SEXISM 1: prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially: discrimination against women 2: behavior, conditions, or attitudes...
  11. K

    freebord question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hahaha wtf is in your sig dude hahaha
  12. K

    Smile ..its not hard to

    Why? becauze humanz are the sukz
  13. K

    Trees are cool, man.

    damn u all... this just makes me want weed MORE! fuck u all. right in the butt hole
  14. K

    Anyone speak Latin?

    Because I refuse to do work that I can get others to do for me. Its the capitalist environment I was raised in. Well before I started this thread I had both Solus Sto and Ego Sto Solus from different sources. A mate just started latin at uni so I could ask her very nicely to run it past her...
  15. K

    What time is it?

    It's that time again...
  16. K

    u will all think i am stupid wen u see this qusetion

    And we are at the bottom of the entire food chain. Quick, somebody make me a mod!
  17. K

    What makes you angry?

    oh the irony seriously, how the do you get along with me? i mean look at your damn sig quote
  18. K

    Chemistry help!

    I did Chemistry A-Level 25 years ago.
  19. K

    drivers in england

    From what I hear, the ones on the new toll road are calibrated to catch you for doing.... 78mph ie. everyone who drives on a motorway, because for the last 30 years the courts (generally) would not accept anything under 83 mph so the entire UK drivng public got into the habit of driving at...
  20. K

    Police Forces?

    a minimum term of a year in detention needs to be enforced, watch those stats drop.