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  1. M


    dude im normal
  2. M

    Look at the baby pandas....

    Slip, I'm intrigued by the idea of 'panda pornography'.
  3. M

    How to approach hot girl?

    Dayum. That's a French ass name, Ivan (is that how you spell that? :confused:
  4. M

    "Bolivia bug"?

    "Bolivia bug"? Hehehe... after reading that it sounds like the aliens from Critters Highly poisonous spikes in fur, fuzzy and cuddley looking.
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    Amateur Photography

    yeah you should, it's really easy to do and it's a good skill to have if you're in the design industry, or if you just want to be able to touch up your own personal photo's.
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    japanese name for pet cat?

    Keep it simple... Neko
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    favorite webcomics

    Cyanide and Happiness SMBC xkcd
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    Calculus Anyone?

    im already past all the tests. i only have to apply it in other classes, i can still do it all by hand, but having a ti-89 makes life so much easier now.
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    Freakin Retards Launch A Baby

    I'm at work so I can't see this, and I don't particularly want to anyway, but what do you mean by 'launch' and was the baby hurt?
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    Immigration debate

    No it is weak willed-PC-gone-amok government officials that will not enforce laws that are on the books. Were not the Peoples Republic of California a bunch or Marxist Wienies, It would not be a problem.
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    car bomb in oslo

    This was a real eye opener for yours truly. Where as I did not jump to any conclusions on who was behind this horrendous act, I thought the US had cornered the market on right wing Christian nut jobs. Who would have thought Norway would have this going on there?
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    Talk to Chimp!

    BIG KICK IN CHIMPS NUTS chimp im so sick of u slappin me so now im gettin my own back im enjoying the chimp free enviroment
  13. M

    Health Paper, Hilarity Ensues

    Jake I am proud as your brother. You have realized that some courses are entirely meaningless and have used this perspective to construct an object of great humor. Good work buckeroo.
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    Does you think the Internets is bad 4 an english language?

    well I have a mate who strongly objects to it. She once grabbed a friend's phone in a bar saying 'no! you are not saying anything in that ridiculous texting language!'
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    My girlfriend is awesome!

    I feel sorry for you then man. Where's the fun in that? If it hasn't taken a bostin' row followed by three days of silence and then half a case of wine and ale, it can't be worth it. That is normal isn't it? As for the laptop incident, I'd be wary of someone whom only laughs about a trashed...
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    Yeah, my daughter had a couple of those,
  17. M

    Me jumping my bike :D

    ive been trying full on dump 3's recently at the hip trick jump we have elsewhere. can't quite get it though, haha. it'll get done soon though and ive been digging there 3 or 4 months now maximum. just a chilled spot, i dont wanna commit too much to the place because im at uni in a few months...
  18. M

    has this ever happen to some 1 else?...?

    alright well this is wierd and I know it is but...has any 1 else gotten a really bad craving for..blood?..cause I've been having that crave for..a long while now..