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  1. J


    coughnikoncough I've a d300 mate, nikon to me make easier used camera's. Any canon Ive ever held confuses the hell out of me. What's it's main use gonna be? And what's your budget?
  2. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    [No message]
  3. J

    Swollen Saliva Gland anyone?

    i had to get one removed
  4. J

    Osama bin laden

    Acrux, some may say you are a man of few words. However, I am having trouble following the extensive and rather intricate theory you provide above. Would you care to elaborate on "One"?
  5. J

    Amazon Tribe

    It's called non-laziness linkin lol. They have worked all their lives, hunted, everything. And if they try to get that tribe into modern day life...and not let them stay how they are...I will be getting some petition or something going...if I can figure out how.
  6. J

    Sydney (NSW) Shout-out!

    Tricks cereal, with the tricks rabbit... "silly rabbit, triacks are for kids"
  7. J

    Anyone Have A Tattoo????

    You're going to die
  8. J

    Your dream job...?!

    Hey, I never said I was any GOOD, mind you, though I sure wouldn't turn you down
  9. J

    tell me your best mama joke or any joke

    if you dont like the topic just go way and not waste time on leaveing flam comments which you can be banned for read the rules
  10. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Hang off the edge of a cliff with no rope and a 500metre drop & you'd find incredible
  11. J

    Abortion is Wrong

    Depends upon the methodology of the paper in question and what they've categorized as 'emotional attachment.' That particular sentence was uncited, but I believe it's a reference to the APA paper which states: "Women who are terminating pregnancies that are wanted and personally meaningful, who...
  12. J

    Women in the Infantry

    Standard procedure is not to deploy a female service member if she is pregnant or has just had a child. However on the male side of things it's not considered an excuse. During my last deployment to Iraq we barely had been boots on ground for two weeks before one of our team leaders' wife had...
  13. J

    Welcome to Britain!

    American call our crumble "brown Betty" I think
  14. J


    Mohegan Sun is a great place. It's actually on the Rhode Island side of the border. It holds a lot of events (music shows and shit) and I've actually found it to be a great selection. From what I've heard, the gambling itself is just as good as Foxwoods, the only real difference is it's smaller...
  15. J

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    WASSSSUP!!! Yes I do realise this is not a cat but shes my dog and cute, plus most cats are bigger than her.
  16. J

    Wild accussation

    Knight Errant can tell you what type of armor Boba Fett wears.
  17. J

    ID to buy teaspoons?

    I once got ID'd for plastic cutlery. That was rather 'WHAT?!' How can you harm yourself with them?
  18. J

    I cant seem to get off...

    Just wank it until blood comes out. Atleast it's something.
  19. J


    Yes is the simple answer. Later this month though the new version of the touch comes out. It has a built in camera and microphone and can also record video.
  20. J

    feminist sexism and stereotypes in abuse adverts?

    Awwwww....sorry *hugs Moi and gives him some cookies*