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    Imagination picture game!

    We still remeber that you came out of the closet.
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    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    Those who disagree with the war, what would you have preferred happen? Would you have preferred Saddam stayed? Your quick to criticize it, yet you actually not stated a realistic alternative.
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    Crazy Things You Have Done

    I stood outside a KFC in a very busy part of the city on a saturday night the place was packed and i was in one of the worst moods i have ever been in, there would have been hundreds of people around me and my mate and at the top of my voice challenged everyone, the next day my mate said to me...
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    The Columbus Zoo (pictures)

    Well, that's pretty much what you implied.
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    fuck afterprom

    Your school probably has plenty of parties to get trashed at, and have unprotected sex. You probably just aren't invited.
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    Advice time.... : )

    In many cultures. 3 is also a higher number than 2.
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    English Nationalism

    So should an English man born in India call himself Indian or should he say he's English? CKinnerley - a person can be more than one thing at any given time, we're not one dimensional. For example, an Indian or Pakistani might say "I'm Indian" when asked what they are but when travelling might...
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    Anyone Have A Tattoo????

    dilan! pics of your tatoo! oh and dilan told me on aim that he got the chinese symbol of life on his thigh.
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    Invalid Thread specified.

    I hate it when I surf the nation instead of writing this paper
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    Texas abortion law

    So it was the law I was thinking of. I'm incredibly depressed it got through.
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    New Evidence Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone?

    This has to be probably one of the most hotly contested conspiracy theories next to the now debunked 'Fake moon landing' conspiracy theories.
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    Dog in danger of being put down...Please complain here.

    Always treat your animals as such, this is exactly why people get bitten or mauled. Having a pet is a lot of responsibility, and you are responsible for its behavior. That said, we had a cat, I'm not that fond of cats, that use to attack my son, he'd be watching TV sitting there minding his...
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    UK election fever

    Not true Your post is incredibly offensive to Scots, ungratefull attitude? now how do you think that came about?
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    post # 1k: strange but good eats

    I've never eaten anything strange really.
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    Man has Sex with Picnic Table

    exactly what i was thinking
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    Whch Level of Hell

    The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis! You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside...
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    Do You............

    it makes me lol that people are like "no i take/speak spanish" when all those words have basically been absorbed by english
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    Role playing & tabletop games.

    Role playing & tabletop games. The homoerotic tension is mounting.
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    What The...

    What The Why do some, before making a statement, start it off with' "A Matter Fact......" "To Tell The Truth"..... Do these people have a issue of trustworthiness?