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    Jake Brown crash caption

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    How many Godparents do you have?

    I have none :D
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    ***BREAKING NEWS*** Stoop kid afraid to leave stoop.

    Johnny Tsunami was that shit
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    The best part of my childhood.

    zomg, those packs last like 10 minutes each, but best 10 minutes of my gum chewing life.
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    The best part of my childhood.

    Win and win.
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    what is better a toyota or mitsubishi?

    read the info on both and customer satisfaction info, you will probably see Toyota trucks are one of the best for dependability.
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    Buying a Porsche as a driving Vehicle, Bad Idea? People with car

    Well IMO,just because my best friend has a porsche, but he is a doctor, the cost on repairs is pretty insane, even oil changes. So if you have the $$ then go for it, otherwise id say buy something else. It's kind of funny people buy these cars and forget about the upkeep, not you by the way, but...
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    New facebook WTF H4X

    i saw this, and i logged in, and it was just normal facebook. talk about wtf hax.
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    Bear vs. Giant Squid

    Bai, oh, yeah, what if the bear was from BRAZIL! Then he would arm bar the squid. D34dly! Your squid's anti-gr4ppl3 is weak. The bear is conditioned to be immune from pressure points because of all the honey bees stinging him.
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    Women in the Infantry

    You talk a lot here about the expectations of a woman's role in society but don't actually say what that role is. So what is that role and what should it be now? Frankly if a woman can do a job then that's up to her to put her self forward for the job. So far as the video is concerned that's...
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    So I had Court today

    obviously when u got busted.. you knew court will happen and it did
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    Dbz Rapes Tits

    Divide by zero?
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    Men, women, and sex

    *Thread crossover alert........Thread crossover alert* MAting - Jamaican Possession.
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    Can you do it? One circle, 3 straight lines, 8 spaces

    Arabesque. - Smart smart smart. Drunkkoala - Dumb dumb dumb.
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    here is a movie quiz for you?

    1. i think the scene is like on mars or something but i don't know the name of the movie 2. also which movie shows a big red sign that says ragland 3. or if you don't that one there is also one that shows a newspaper and it reads john beard 4. or maybe you can get this one it shows the legs...
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    Pre-emptive and Body Language

    LBR is right, best to ask straight out. From my vast experience I've learned that wires often get crossed among the sexes during the initial stages of going out, and to avoid confusion its best to be straight with it. Either way its over quickly and you can move forwards. I can't stand all this...
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    I am having problems downloading video files with Opera Mini 5 to my blackberry

    storm? When I click a video and go to save it, it pops up a screen to ask me where to save it to. And I select video or SD card and it then I press save. The download begins but no progress happens it stays at 0.0 kb downloaded. Then it eventually times it self out. Any suggestions?
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    Why would Koss surround sound speakers have sound during test but not when playing...

    ...a DVD? Hey All, I have an older Koss home theater. Something weird is happening here. I have 2 side speakers, 1 center, a subwoofer, and 2 back surround speakers. I have selected in the options menu the speakers I have, and I ran a volume test on them. During the volume test I can hear out...
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    Thought of the day

    That's a very nice thought.
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    What did you do when your parents found your stash?

    You don't have one, you have hundreds. BA-ZINGGGG! :dodgy: