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  1. E

    A Fan of Adonis? or Hate Me ? [Facebook]

    a. you're just weird, I suppose b. because I post regularly in the same section as him and I've met him...
  2. E

    We Are Next !

    Lols. i knew it.
  3. E

    honoring the chimp

    It's a Battle picture thread. Chimp. But I don't see what this has to do with "honoring" the Chimp
  4. E

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    You mean apart from suicide bombs, starting the attacks, targeting children, not using some type of warning (such as pamphlets or sirens or news broadcasts) so that civilians have a chance to get out of the way, keeping their military targets away from their own civilians (although in a sense...
  5. E

    The Star Wars pants game

    Just another thread to have fun with and kill a few brain cells since SW has been broached in another thread. The game is this; you substitute a word from a line in any of the movies with the word "Pants" like this. I find your lack of pants disturbing. Well Chewie short pants is better...
  6. E

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    If that's what you want to do then take on the teacher. Show him up for what he really is.
  7. E

    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    The only good thing about California was the beating their police officers delivered Rodney King.
  8. E

    My Journey to School!

    So I guess all white people who listen to Lil' Wayne are douchebags?
  9. E

    Time travel and living arrangements

    1970's-1980's in California or Florida 1930's-1940's in Europe when the World War II occurred.
  10. E

    Funniest prank/joke you pulled this year

    Filled up one kids car with jargen twas a fun night.
  11. E

    Me>90% of st

    Me>90% of st Jealously. This kid can't face the fact that your about 9001% percent better than him. Spike FTW!!
  12. E

    Eurovision Song Contest 2004

    And I say why not? If you like it, you'll watch it, if not, that's ok too. Different people, different tastes, I guess, although I have to admit that those eurovision songs can be soooooo bad
  13. E

    So what did you get?

    I forgot about the gorgeous green pu'erh tablet of tea I got in a lovely box with silk lining off a friend. AND the promise from Slip to do a video of how to make Tibetan Chai!
  14. E

    Teen werewolves

    Hey werewolves have testicles too!!
  15. E

    Neo Nazis on the US border..... WITH GUNS :)

    Woah there, a=b does not mean that b=a, that's called a propositional fallacy. Just because I wrote that the UK doesn't haven't a problem with ethnic divesity it does not mean the same as saying the US does. My post was merely a defence that the US introduced diversity making it superior to the...
  16. E

    Do you NEED some chocolate right now?

    I could always do with a nice bit of chocolate
  17. E

    The Word Game IV

  18. E

    Found a hidden ghost town *pics*

    no he lit all the weed on fire. :possibledodgy?:
  19. E

    who do you think will be sent home on american idol and why?

    Brooke. She is not stepping up her preformances. My money is on brooke. Bottom 3: Brooke, Carly, david cook This season is definatly one for the guys.