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  1. G

    another word game.

  2. G

    Is there a double standard in allowing racially insensitive language?

    PS... i've brought the tin opener
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    Best Arizona Flavor?

    had a blue berry one today. the lemonade one is the shit
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    media bias

    err... obviously. I have to abide by by a code of ethics and integrity when I shoot for news/editorial jobs so I'm well aware of what is acceptable and what isn't. The whole reason I brought it up is so many people commenting on the subjecty haven't got a clue how news is...
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    Working labor laws

    Ah ok, that's bullshit man. A lot of problems can be fixed if you just approach your boss casually and explain that by law, he has to give you a break. It might work out best if you don't make it sound like your threatening him, ya know? And specifically, who is 'boss', is he a manager or an...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Nope. Can last for weeks. People have had worse than me...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    boo, the local park is not suitable for parkour . it is also boring without something to do. i need an e-book reader.
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    A kid who I know Killed his step mom

    i hate you
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    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    Now THAT'S FUNNY! And the points you feel passionate about are respectable points. I don't personally get into the magic one. If it makes you feel better to believe in it whilst I don't, then good on ay, is my stance to that one. But certainly the first should be everyone's concern, which is...
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    I will make a video of me doing whatever ST says.

    yes, do that lolz 8 months to late... o well *hits bong*
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    Pale skin...?

    seriously I think this has a lot to do with genetics, ethnicity is only part of the truth (of course if you are black or Indian then you won't be pale no matter what you do). I'm a full-blooded Chinese(I think) and I'm pale as hell and get this I stay under the sun almost everyday because It's...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Could that be down to the fact that even if guns are very common place, medication is even more common place? People just using what's available? Also it'd be interesting to see the ratio of death/attempts for the two methods? I'd hazard that...
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    So ST, look what I made at 4 a.m.:

    yeah its probably just going to blow up... cannons are made of metal. that pen is made of plastic.
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    lols at jt

    Funny :dodgy:
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    New Year Resolutions

    Don't get killed in Africa, either start my PhD or remain undeterred and apply to more programs. Compete more in bjj. It's been too long since I've competed. Buy new pants.
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    What Can We Do About Cyclists?

    This isn't necessarily typical car driver behaviour though. 10 years ago (ish) I was turning left at a cross roads. An open sweeping junction that I knew well. I was doing maybe 20-25mph. I tipped it in, hit a bunch of wet leaves and hit the floor before I even knew I was in trouble. I managed...
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    You haven't seen my legs if I don't shave them regularly - think Cousin It from the Addams Family!
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    another question for fans of The Big Bang Theory?

    in season 3 Howard had a girlfriend named Bernadette for like 4 episodes. all of a sudden she disappeared. did they ever mention what happened or is she going to return?
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    What are you doing right now?

    Damn shorties. The only reason we know you are there is the noise. Get back in your place, or I'll squash you underfoot.
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    the moon

    dude, its called vibrations. The flag was not "waving". With very little gravity to pull it down it naturally moves due to the inertia it had when they planted it in the moon. Learn some physics and understand that all the arguments against a moon landing are stupid if you know even the most...