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    Hypocrisy of modern-day Europe and Freedom of Speech

    Interesting, these are 'Claims of Holocaust Deniers' taken from Wikipedia, that I believe Azazel has been guilty of making himself. They claim that Nazis did not use cremation ovens to dispose of millions of extermination victims. They argue that the amount of energy required to fire the ovens...
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    Anna Nicole Smith, dead

    Good post Mr Punch.
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    Why is this no surprise? Idiots... just idiots

    Not really. Some don't sound thick at all. Some sound a lot thicker than others. I didn't insult anyone. I made it perfectly clear that it was a purely personal opinion, and that we all hear things differently. You appear to be misunderstanding the meaning of the word 'prejudice'. If I...
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    Fun zombie-killing flash game

    That was pretty fun, but really easy too.
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    Split- US Donations

    you mjust realize, outsourcing doesn't just happen with sending jobs off to India or China. It could also mean sending the jobs from New York to North Carolina etc etc.
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    The Unofficial Alternative Posting Guide

    I thought only english majors (and I) got sick of the internet shorthand crap. Well done.
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    Dont you just love it

    No, she's just very into her own little world and forgets that while she's doing her computer-arty stuff, sometimes entire days go by. So what's everyone's favourite tactic to use when the phone goes while you're in the shower/ loo and it turns out to be someone trying to sell you stuff...
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    Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Canada

    Meh, aside from the bear and the china shop I didn't laugh much, maybe that's why I didn't like superbad :runaway:
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    Best street party.... Ever?

    With party goers like that who needs vandals.
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    George Carlin dies at 71

    man that sucks. saw him live once. funny as hell. he will be missed.
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    which phone should i get, the LG GW620 Intouch Max or the Motorola DEXT?

    im in the uk so which one of these phones should i get
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    Girls Rules

    Oh yes, especially in his dreams.
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    I've just got facebook.

    I think he did mean 'Family' Friend Request. As opposed to 'Family Friend' Request. Come to think of it, that makes a whole lot more sense.
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    I need caption!!!!

    by it you mean the person in the said pictures?
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    found methane gas on a distant planet..

    I blame Prez. Bush, now he's ruining other planets
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    whats your favorite place...

    Montreal is the Foot Locker paradise, there's 4 Foot Lockers within 5 minutes of walk. :tup:
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    Questions about BBC and British radio listeners

    BBC journalist got carried away, his copy wasn't checked, his evidence was shakey, he got nailed. Gilligan deservedly got censured, his work was slipshod and parts of his defence laughable. Unfortunately it cost the job of a skilled, capable and respected man. Mitch
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    Boyfriends gone away for the night..

    Yep i wonder
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    Desperate to To Find a Cure for a Light Sleeper

    nyquil knocks me out
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    distorted by the classical mess

    Or that someone who didn't like him inscribed his tombstone?