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  1. L

    friend stung by dead bee

    yo you guys ever notice the lead singer from Plain White Tees has a huge nose, which is probably why the songs sound so nasally?
  2. L

    Did anyone remember?

    Of course. We should never forget what they did - ever! I did too whilst watching it. Stuart
  3. L

    MAP the film!!!

    Catering, surely! It's a camera - he's taking his picture in a mirror. (eagle-eyes? pah, nothing on moose-eyes!)
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    Rolls not Buns!

    We'd all heard that
  5. L


    yea. some of the gang ones are pretty interesting while others are lame. Gangster's Disciple one was pretty good.
  6. L

    Who believes in love at first sight?

    [No message]
  7. L

    check it.

    Fuck Yeah, i'm winning. HIGH SCORE!!!!
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    Rudyard Kipling

    If you teacher is sich and not at home. Is it then his fault that you dont go to him? ... If it is to learn that you desire that is? It is a bad thing. To blame this fault on your teacher, then. Edit: I say
  9. L

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Don't forget those frilly things on the handlbars and jackets.
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    just got in from jeff dunham show (ri)

    someone find a LINK- must have.
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    800 Bones

    em, put it into bonds, then in five years you will have 1600$ then put that into bonds in another 5 years you will have 32000$ then put that ito bonds in 5 years you have 64000$ then put that into bonds then in 5 years you will have 128000$. so in 20 years you will have anuff to buy half of a...
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    Target sells Bawls?!

    fuck the upshut?
  13. L

    East coast slang

    I think it just might be my school but we say given. somethings in life are just given, like in geometry. person 1 - "I'm gonna get fucked up this weekend'' person 2 - ''thats a given'' Oh and hungz. As in a girl is usually hungz. Or hungry for some penis in and around her mouth. Guys can...
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    Women in the Infantry

    take it up with Frank
  15. L

    Crazy weather anyone?

    Lulz...-459* F is cold as fuck.
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    Abbot and Costello Play Baseball

    Yeah, it's about as big as it gets anywhere.
  17. L

    99% of readers of "The Sun" (reactionary British rag) say bring back death sentence

    99% of readers of "The Sun" (reactionary British rag) say bring back death sentence That is very, very true and an ideal world is what we all should be aiming for.
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    DIY for complete and utter n00bs

    The favourite thing they steel around her from empty houses is copper. Which is closely followed by the slabs from the front path, any plants in the gardens and the fencing. They don't take the lawn. But they do dig holes all over it in an attempt to catch worms for fishing bait. If only they'd...
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    The Uninvited Guest

    A lot of people don't have the same social skills though, and it's not always easy to notice. A lot of people will always seem well adjusted (especially if you don't know them all that well) and actually turn out to be really socially awkward. I had a friend once who was a bit like that. He...