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    I had a great weekend

    My dad had some business partners coming round so he told me to get the **** out for the night, gave me a couple hundred to get some jack n sh1t with the crew. Phoned em up, told them to meet down by the lake, been a warm ass day so we were gonna chill the **** out with a couple girls from the...
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    Why you never run out onto the mat without permission

    All you sick people who laughed at a child in physical pain. Maybe you need to see the real reality of children getting hurt.
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    female passiveness

    The common rejection line you'll hear is "im a lesbian". Just say "fair enough, can i watch" with a smirk, and watch them melt .
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    Find me some cool shoes
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    MAP Member Mind Avatar

    For those on the other side of the pond this is a British way of saying you've picked someone up for the night... first time I heard it I was really confused and said.. ''pulled what??'' Two nations divided by a common language... you should have seen me cringe the first time a woman...
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    Worst Current Commercials

    True, but you remember it. :cool:
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    REM in Hyde Park

    did anyone manage to video Pink Floyd at the live8 concert or record it?? I know it was televised but due to work commitments I didn,t get to see it. If anyone has the clip post it up please.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Wow, that's a lot of grrrr. Never mind, it is the school holidays and we have a few more trolls for you to ban. I think you should make an antifoodie voodoo doll.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    running to the grocery store instead of walking about 1 km in 8 minutes or so with minimal breathing difficulty at the end, which after my lattest running fiasco (kept leg speed but not my lungs ) makes me pretty happy. shame i had to buy eggs so i couldn't run back
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    Hunting as wildlife control

    A certain number of permits are issued to hunters every year for cougars, bears and other predatory animals. A year or so ago Novia Scotia was issuing permits for coyotes which were overpopulating. An American friend tells me its open season on coyotes down there, in the midwestern US, because...
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    *resists urge to post more idiocy in norsk*
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    okay, help with come-backs?

    I can't think of anything better that means: 'put a sock in it' how about: 'put a cork in it like wine-bottle.' or 'put cork in it like a good roast-pig'...Help! any better suggestions...?
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    Wild accussation

    topher believes muay thai kicks to be dangerous. thus when he spars thai boxers, he makes them wear gloves on their shins
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    You need to recheck some of your facts. And, back them up with a quick reference. But, the point everyone is getting at is war sucks, but I am a consequentialist so in reality the number of suffering matter, death matters little.
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    This is a picture my cousin drew for my mom. Her name is robin if you haven't guessed. here's the entry from her blog on it. This was drawn by my nephew (Click on image for larger version). Thanks to the McCleve nieces and nephews for their fun and funny cards and drawings. I was ROTFL. Thank...
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    Weight and minimum standard for men and women

    [Split somewhat haphazardly from the other thread - Llama] IMO, the ones for women are really low. For a 52kg to 56kg woman for example the goal for an untrained person when doing squats is 25kg...that's utterly ridiculous. I could do my own weight right away and I'm not THAT strong...
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    Happy April Fools

    Ouch! "Please kick me" in a room full of martial artists could be painful!
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    Tacher cat fight w00t

    Stay out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    who would you rather date?

    Was that Yoga in your story based on youself KE? Tut tut, I would never have thought it, after all those slightly perverted comments of yours *shakes head*