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  1. X

    Grab the nearest book....

    "The method of orthographic projection perfected by Williams Binns in 1857 and based on Durer's method of 1525, is notoriously ambiguous, and hundreds of conventions have grown up ( BS8888 and ASME Y14.5M) to try and make sense of it - describing what should be seen and what is hidden must be...
  2. X

    If your parents were on TSR...

    :five: But would you be able to recognise them? :p:
  3. X

    mother put baby in microwave

    I was going to post a nice long reply to this but then I re-read your post and realised that I was just saying the same thing only rambling more
  4. X

    If you owned any country in the world..

    I almost said Hawaii, not even joking. But really, I'd say Australia.
  5. X

    Invisability cloak

    I used to have one of those once. I put it down one day . . . and never found it again.
  6. X

    You know that feeling?

    uh, the regular ones are supposed to all be doubles. it's the bite-size ones that are supposed to be smaller. you'd think it'd be different with a name like frosted mini-wheats, but i guess not.
  7. X

    The Ultimate Sandwich thread!

    Let's here it for the Japanese Flags!!!
  8. X

    Free Gas

    well, when i use it on gas, it will show up immediatly as 1$, then eventually show up for the correct amount when it has been processed, but it hasnt shown up period
  9. X

    ummm.... wot?

    Leave a car parked in the same place for 10 years and anybody can claim it. These are archaic laws we're talking about here.
  10. X

    Ice Storms

    no shcool in wichita, tho idk why , since its only raining, and not freezing
  11. X

    Zodiac signs and Compatibility

    this has sparked an interest in me. i always was quite a lot like my gemini sign, but i thought i'd look into my chinese one. i didnt know you could get elements in chinese horoscope! im a wooden rat hheehee Rat people are so charming and attractive they are always surrounded by friends and...
  12. X

    Night shifts

    I work Day shifts (0700-1900) then into Night Shifts (1900-0700).. Night shift routine: Wake about 3pm, prepare (light lunch, reading material,shower etc) go to work. During the shift, talk to people, maybe have a nap about 4am or one of the later breaks you have. Go home, breakfast(dinner to...
  13. X

    I keep telling you but few listen....

    I listed that as "hobbies" on my resume... The Crovel appeals to me Z-Day obsession, but is credible enough to carry over to my more reputable backwoods/bushcraft activities. I showed it to the wife - she rolled her eyes and walked away shaking her head Women eh?
  14. X

    How to wake up - Brrrr

    Why is it men can get away with flashing their man boobs but women need to cover up? My eyes are now bleeding!
  15. X

    How Observant Are You?

    SHUT UP!! I'M NOT FALLING FOR THIS AGAIN!! Last time I did this, a face popped out with a horrible inhuman shriek and I fell out of my chair!! PL
  16. X

    Post Apocalyptic World - What could you do?

    .... I didn't see that coming... damn...
  17. X

    Last Hair Cut Of My Life

    how? you said your instead of you're :facepalm:
  18. X

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Which in turn, is inviting a DQ Good point 8-)
  19. X

    MMR, Jeni Barnett and Bad Science.

    Well then as Moosey said, you'll only be putting them in bigger risk... the very real risk of measles vs. the unsubstantiated risk of autism. Vaccines are safe. I don't blame parents however. The media are responsible for all of this mess.
  20. X

    Anyone who is ginger, or has dated a ginger

    I've said it before and i'll say it again...gingerism will eventually become illegal and against the law. it'll be like racism. And it is proven that gingers are bad tempered, you should see me when i'm having a fit against my mom.