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  1. F

    ،hey st su cinco de mayo!!

  2. F

    Guess who I met?

    Well, I'd like to think that you'd at least try and beat me up if we ever met! Sheesh. I'd be disappointed if there wasn't at least some hard physical contact!
  3. F

    sweet\cute girls swearing?

    sweetcute girls swearing? Ooo ok I see what you mean! Maybe he was geniunly joking tho?
  4. F

    Whats your FAVE beer?

    I don't think I have one favorite. My short list though would be in no particular order: Michelob Amberbock Anything by Leiny's Young's Double Chocolate Stout Newcastle Spaten Sapporo and miller light if I'm hanging by my ankles above the keg chugging from the tap!
  5. F

    Chat to Chazz!!

    If you want to heal learn acupressure and acupuncture.
  6. F

    Leaving for a bit

    No 11B! Not for me anymore. I'm a 91D. Power Generation equipment repair.
  7. F

    The police truly are amazing

    I though I would post this It is related and informative.
  8. F

    What Is Your Favorite Book?

    LOL Shhhh, don't let the mods hear you..they're humans
  9. F

    post # 1k: strange but good eats

    i love uni! sometimes, i just have unil sashimi and a bowl or sushi rice. eat it like rice toppings. that and a glass of sake vodka martini! yummy. durian! best description: smells like hell, tastes like heaven. would you like to know how we cook marrow or brain here? delish! chicken feet...
  10. F

    Interestings things about your parents

    my dad could beat up your dad
  11. F

    She takes a photo every day for 5.5 years

    Ya thats pretty cool, something I might consider doing.
  12. F

    I keep telling you but few listen....

    i'm pretty sure the philippine government isn't ready for something of that scale. that being said, i doubt any southeast asian nation is.
  13. F

    Wikileaks - your opinion?

    Having a past, present, or future clearance itself does not require a clearance to know.
  14. F

    The big boss...

    I did that when i was a child. I told my brother's gf at the time that he was on the toilet.
  15. F

    Should I go to hearing?

    There you go then! For the sake of your relationship IF you really want to be with this girl then don't go in.
  16. F

    Steampunk Keyboard... RAWKS!!!!

    Do they have a Tower in a similar style as well? Maybe some speakers, otherwise it'd look so out of place on my desktop lol.
  17. F

    General Election - 6th May

    Home schooling is already allowed in the UK. If that's what the Tories are aiming for then they're basically fighting an election with a truly empty promise.
  18. F

    McPhallus (Stranger saw my junk)

    well, obviously he didn't mind the sight a penis. My guess is, he has one too. But in a urinal, its fair game to go in a stall...especially if theres no sub dividers.
  19. F

    What is a good introduction for a paper about why marijuana should be legalized?

    that weed makes you think of great ideas, and it kicks ASSSS!!!