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    ST, rate my sandwich!

    si capie tan
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    Would you have intercourse with this woman?

    End yourself
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    puddle of mudd + psycho
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Eh..If not for Hezbollah, Israel would have been illegally occupying a foreign nation....
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I would have thought your sons nerf gun being jammed would be a source of Well, if he targets you anything like the way I used to target my dad!
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    need anwsers !!

    fuck the cop
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    The Carnivore Thread

    Please don't give me that look. I suffer from the sin of gluttony! Most of the time I am very good when It comes to eating now. I think I lost a bit of weight because my work pants keep falling down and I have to wear a belt so I don't scare away the customers!
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    Another acne thread...

    Actually...when I get a herpes breakout...its usually around my mouth
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    He didn't LET himself do anything. He already knows what he is unhappy about, he asked for solutions to them. He did everything you preach that people should do - he identified his problem and is taking steps to fix it. And you lashed out at him for it. Get want people to be...
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    What does Homosexuality mean to you?

    there is sexual identity: what gender you perceive yourself to be. for example, you are a guy who thinks he should be a girl. or vise versa. there is sexual preference: what gender you are attracted to. there are guys who see themselves as girls but may not automatically like other guys. there...
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    Handling multiple job interviews.

    Why would you need to tell them about the other job interview? If you do get offered the first job ask if there is a deadline on the job offer, I would assume they would give you atleast a few days to think about it. I have had job interviews where they asked if I had any other job interviews in...
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    British government department loses the details of 25 million people

    Well if a hacker or someone that has the CD's and is reading this, can they please up my income support to a few thousand quid in the next few weeks. Thankies.
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    Guy rules

    Guy rule#75. You accept the fact that Slipthejab obeys all the above rules.
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    England is Vanishing

    The poor didn't only come into existence when benefits did. It's simply not true that all poor people are poor out of laziness. You ask why rich people should have to pay more taxes than poorer people. Life isn't all about gaining as much for yourself as possible and abandoning everyone else...
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    BNP Brawl

    Quote "Ok, I'm going to try to answer this post, just as soon as I've translated it." Yeah, cool semantics...........................belittle and patronise, now where have I seen that before?? maybe in our discussion on mass imigration Quote "But my sense from several discussions was there was...
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    God I hate rednecks!

    Hey man, it's not rednecks that are the problem. They are actually alright. It's not any one cultural stereotype you are addressing, but ignorance in general, and trust me, there is ignorance at every stop on the spectrum.
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    String arrangement Cute!
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    Lion eats man!

    Yeah, here are the two lions relaxing afterwards while their meal goes down. You can see the one on the left trying to lick an eyeball from between the digits of her paw.
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    Australia Day

    I dont think my gym is even open on Australia day man. Plus, who would do such an unAustralian thing like training . Its a day to get drunk as skunk and eat a great feed with your mates.
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    Are there antivirus/spyware programs included with aol?

    My dad complains of aol slowing his computer down with its own antivirus so how can I disable it from aol and just use what his computer normally has which is Norton?