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    My brother split his head open

    Butterfly stitch. Waste of money and time going to the ER for that.
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    best drink fucking ever

    i already confronted my stupidity
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    Shootings in Virginia Sadly, this has already happened.
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    Tibetans killed while trying to escape China

    I hate to think of it that way. I'd like to remain optimistic even in the face of the murderous repression of culture, persecution as a people, marginalization as an ethnic group and denial of basic human rights in China. I don't think it's so much that he's 'given up' on making Tibet free -...
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    POLL: Comedy---Horror---Drama---Sci Fi---Suspense?

    Which one describes your relationship with your family and friends? I bet you werent expecting that huh.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Man, when you're trying to instruct the new guy at sparring because he keeps ducking and running away, and he suddenly has a burst of courage for no reason and comes at you full force while you're talking and your hands are down. Ticked me off enough to hit him hard enough in the gut to knock...
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    POLL: Did you see anyone give out Apples for Halloween?

    Did you eat it?
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    stupid questions

    acog on a shotgun? fuck you. G3 with red dot, digi camo, uav jammer, bondoliar and mytrbitch
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    Brag Book

    Heres a pic of my dog, sadie, she died about two months ago Mev.
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    Ban the last poster before you post myself!
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    Erm.... World Toilet Day?

    If you ever buy a really beautiful toilet, like the first picture I posted, you might as well get a nice seat for it:
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    The one thing you regret/ Will never do again

    luckly i havent and my thing is drugs...seriously..dont start
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    POLL:Should I travel to the 4th dimension and defeat the King MonkeyMan and save

    Wasn't all of that done already earlier today. ;-)
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    POLL: Does YOUR family eat supper at the Table?

    Do you wish they would?
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    POLL: Would YOU vote to RE-elect Obama if he runs for President?

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    POLL: Southern Oklahoma is $3.39 gal. on Mar.03. What is yours right now?

    that is for regular unleaded.
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    The Randomness Thread

    haha i was only joshing anthster!!
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    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    I'm all in favour of sterilising drug abusers - and in favour of eugenics generally. With an expanding world population we should be looking at all avenues of birth control, and if we can improve the gene pool while we're at it, all the better. BTW, no kids, not planning any, and if I was...