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  1. H

    Prince Harry in Iraq...or not

    So every soldier not currently deployed in Iraq is a waste of training?
  2. H

    I have too much spare time!

    RD - I know you're already organising a 'throwdown' with your local club Who here has any spare time? You should be learning new skills, meeting new people, training, having fun etc.
  3. H

    Ban on Beer Pong

    is nothing sacred?
  4. H

    What does your username mean?

    well I named my first account (Diablo3585) after my Diablo Slayer which was a sucky gun I bought. LeakAngel was named after a song by a rap group. This account was named after an idiot at a dance I went to where they were selling orderbs, and he called them finger eatsiez :P
  5. H

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I have not heard enough of the case tbh. I have gotten that it was more political than anything. It seems both were actually at fault. Zimmerman was told to stay in his vehicle on the one hand, on the other hand you have Martin calling him some crazy cracker, etc as well. Had Zimmerman said...
  6. H

    The American Infallibility Complex

    My replies in bold.
  7. H

    You are all dumb...

    Me and my girlfriend at the time very nearly failed our a-levels (she did actually). You don't wanna know what we were doing instead of "a-levels". I suppose "biology" was involved.
  8. H

    Anybody ever had a name change?

    A most remarkable restraint... ...
  9. H

    Which of these mothers is worse?

    Ironically I was hoping to counter Aikiwolfie's assertion that pole dancing isn't the best idea for peoples daughters and young girls. doh... guess I blew that one.
  10. H

    Prisoners set up MMA tourney

    If you pay them minimum wage it stands to reason that they should also pay board and lodgings. The cost in the Uk of keeping a prisoner for 24hrs is approximately £385. Kind of puts them in the red.
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    Froth .... Slips fault
  12. H

    My girlfriend is awesome!

    My horse is lovely! YouTube- Father Ted - My Lovely Horse (Bad Version)
  13. H

    Combustion launcher thread

    mine is almost completely finished but the goddamn conduit barrel made it so front heavy that im gonna have to find a counterweight
  14. H

    National anthems

    Damn, you got there before I did. It just kinda ruins the end of the song when you're surrounded by people deluded enough to audition for American Idol when they can't hit a note if their lives depended on it. That note makes my ears hurt.
  15. H

    Crazy dog

    That's weird. I've never heard of a genetic defect like that before.
  16. H

    McPhallus (Stranger saw my junk)

    He probably didn't see it because your dick's so small... omgzowned. :dodgy:
  17. H

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest D'OH
  18. H

    New national anthem

    now that i think of it i like most national anthems better then my own, (USA). I like Canada's better then ours.
  19. H

    Do i need to upgrade my CPU?

    I want a good comp so i can play all the new games on high specifically FEAR 2. I currently have a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs) Do i need to upgrade? and how do you tell how power full a CPU is? Thx
  20. H

    Help with Torrents?

    When i download a torrent i get lots of upload speed but barely any download speed why does this happen im using a program called Fast Torrent but it doesnt happen all the time im very confused Plz Help I have set the UPLOAD limit to 29.0kb/s and all im getting download is 8.00kb/s with 30 seeds...