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  1. D

    most fucked up thing you have ever done

    FUCK, you beet me to it.
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    Life after a near-death experience

    True indeed, how long have you been in the Corps Mei?
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    what the fuck is wrong with kids?

    I am not surprised with the fucking shitheads around.
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    The World Cup

    Congratulations RazorKaine! It must be a great feeling! By the way, do you know what time they are going to announce the fate of the clubs under investigation?
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    MAP Member Mind Avatar

    I wish Blade would change her signature from red to any other color. It keeps catching my eye whenever I scroll through any thread with her posting and I keep thinking, "what the hell did somebody say to make the MODs edit and write all that?!" only to be disappointed.
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    Legends of the Hidden Temple!

    it always ends up failing somehow
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    they're also wack
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    Women in the Infantry

    The problem with the first part is that generally the units that women are with in the U.S. aren't seriously trained in the combat side of things. While she may have very well been more proficient in shooting and physical standards, non infantry units are often not held to the same standards as...
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    ruled by religion

    But you live your life according to a book. At least partially, I'd guess. If you're in school, someone wrote down a list of things that you have to do there. There isn't an author on that list, but I bet you do it anyway. Textbooks aren't really 'written' from scratch so much as edited...
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    Using the Swear Filter for LOLZ

    Some H&F related ones. cardio > poncing about I really need to do some more poncing about, I'm carrying far too much fat. weight training > grunting and screaming Everyone else in my dojo is into grunting and screaming, I find it really intimidating. Several years of grunting and screaming is...
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    social convention advice...

    man updrink through itmawashi geriprofit
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    ST I need you brilliance...

    hahaha yes, that would be lulsy
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    God hates America (Fred Phelps and the Westboro Church)

    Phelps, that's who. Basically, he's a self-ordained "minister" who has the Biblical knowledge of a three year old (he's good at memorization and that's about it) and the empathy abilities of Atilla the Hun.
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    Tactics for armed combat(gunfighting).

    Despite what they show in movies, martial training doesn't make you an expert in these affairs. Even a combat master's chances of survival plummit when a gun is thrown into the eqasion. If you are at an extreme risk (and judging by you location you fit the bill) try bullet proof vests. There are...
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    bad inventions

    Not the girl, if you know what I mean.
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    Looks like another Iraq war scandal is brewing

    Dear All, My name is David Wood. I am a United States Marine serving in Iraq. It chills my blood to read these posts, and to see the feelings of the public and the influence that they hold over all of us. Many people will read this story and see my fellow Marines and I as monsters, incapable...
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    Al Capones Vault!!!

    i hope that wasn't a jane eyre reference, i hate that book
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    Do Americans like this joke?

    didnt think it was funny the first time i heard it ,when moby dick was a sardine
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    getting rid of stress, sports, drugs, sex
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    Can a smartphone, such as a Palm Treo, be used as a mobile phone jammer?

    no idea but it can be used to jam a door