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  1. M

    Color thread

    Uhh, fuck you. I was typing this yesterday. Bitch.
  2. M

    when texting...?

    Even though obtrusive automation in general drives me nuts (see this cartoon for an example ), i use T9 when texting, it is a lot faster 99% of the time, which makes it a pretty good technology. Mind you, i do use proper punctuation, graofftopicr, syntax, the works!
  3. M

    does a 1995 Honda Accord EX have keyless entry?

    I got it used and only have the key!?
  4. M

    1995 Honda accord front shocks make noise only in the rain?

    Only makes the noise when it's Wet, is it need to be oiled or something?
  5. M

    6 Nations

    Howay Ireland! Howay England!
  6. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Watching the French get beaten by the Italians in the Six Nations
  7. M

    If You Had To Erase One Year of Your Life From Your Memory...

    10th grade, it's when I met my ex girlfriend.
  8. M

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    It wasn't used as justification, it was used as an example of why a person might rejoice at the death of another. The example wouldn't work unless the person was terrible. You're putting words in his mouth.
  9. M

    Transgender Girl Scouts... wait what?!

    Where do you live?? Farting is an integral part of being a boy here...
  10. M

    How do I approach this?

    Solid contribution!
  11. M

    Only in Georgia.... :(

    I don't see a problem with this :confused:... Other than that it probably won't work. The woman wanted another kid with her husband, it was his wish, and he died, what's the big deal?
  12. M

    Smoking in the UK

    How will this work for a visitor or someone passing through? Where will the money go from this; into a general fund, educational programs, or for something that the general public wont benefit from? I am a smoker who has tried to quit and I am trying to again so at the moment I am with the...
  13. M

    Skip School Day

    dam, u have a point...
  14. M

    When is the right time to have kids?

    I was brought up by th English, spare the rod spoil the child but i don't use the rod.
  15. M

    the fuck....

    the sun is going to explode
  16. M

    How to wake up - Brrrr

    No thanks, want me to fit you an electric shower?
  17. M

    Who is the epitome of perfection?

    Taylor Swift, oh yeah...
  18. M

    favorite martial arts character

    Truth be told I posted that because I KNEW it would get a responce from you.
  19. M

    Blue-Ray movie quality Ps3 Problem?

    I have a 1080p Samsung HDTV that I bought back in February and I have my ps3 hooked up to it through a hdmi cord and I set up everything I would need to have a full hd experience but when ever I watch a Blue-ray movie for example I watched spider-man 3 and crash they don't look as good as they...
  20. M


    I don't see the point of removing a persons civil liberties just to have the tax payers pay for these criminals existence for the rest of their life. There are much more useful uses for such scum, organ harvesting, scientific experimentation, etc. I think if you take a life, you give up your...