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  1. H

    i feel betrayed

    lolz u has teh filtar on!!!!11!1
  2. H

    Gay Celebrities ft. speculation about Ne-Yo

    So why is it necessary to set the record straight on behalf of his fans?
  3. H

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    If someone was kneeling on your throat you'd be resisting too.
  4. H

    Color thread

  5. H

    Israel - Palestine (Again)

    Any links to prove this? I've seen it allegeed all over the place but no proof.
  6. H

    Women in the Infantry

    I'm going to assume you meant bunking?! I don't see how that would be a major issue. On the non-infantry side on Camp Lejeune the males and females stay in the same barracks, just not the same rooms. It may actually benefit everyone in the infantry because somebody might feel obligated to...
  7. H

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    The one on the right is me and my lil bro on the left... Nododgy I see you like aminals... Me too... Here is one after about 5 or so shots and a few beers... I wasn't kissing the dog...he want to try a jello shot too...Oh and I shaved my head like 1 hour before this pic.
  8. H

    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    ANY addiction -porn, xobox, drugs, alcohol, sex etc - that becomes the sole overriding concern in an individuals life needs curtailing. Perhaps a better definition would be use or abuse If you can function in your day to day activities you are a USER...if you cannot you are an ABUSER. With...
  9. H

    Holy Cow

    That's one serious space potato.
  10. H

    official how to NOT get caught fappin guide

    Thanks for posting the obvious...
  11. H


    Hmmm...tricky one. The only suggestion I have is don't get in the same section as her, especially really close! That is just creepy.
  12. H

    Can Somebody Explain this Scene to Me?

    According to almighty Wiki, given Ero's enlightening contribution: I kinda suspected the kid had a history with the cops considering how extreme his reaction was. Most cops in the US are anything but martial artists. I'm guessing UK/aussie cops are far more adept at H2H/melee because they...
  13. H

    Global Population: The planet at 7 billion

    Absolutely. Sacrifices for the greater good and all that.
  14. H

    moving to norway

    That's great then. You like fish then?
  15. H

    AUSSIES, I need help-Thinking about Australia.

    Tell me about it! Americans are at the back of the line when it comes to handing out points. Some small countries (I think they were in the middle east, can't remember exactly) were practically handed a visa due to the amount of points they were awarded just for being born in that country. It...
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    How does a gentleman ask out a lady these days?

    Different generation thing, I wouldn't do something like that with a more sophisticated and classy lady like yourself. One thing is know your audience.
  17. H

    ST I need your wisest words

    Walk up to some cool person during lunch and hit them in the face with a lunch tray while saying, "Dont Fuck with me." The show Weeds has taught me oh so much :dodgy:
  18. H

    Is this how men should act?

    Why more power to them? Thanks to feminism, getting laid is easier than it has ever been. There's really no need to emasculate yourself and fellow man to get some poon. These guys aren't really that different from that kid we all knew in HS school who always hung around girls, goofed off in...
  19. H

    Good Japanese sake

    fun thread yea, whats the Chinese version of sake if any?