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    Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter animation

    Good . . . but I can't believe they made Chun Li such a weakling.
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    Who would win USA or Russia?

    Are you American, Russian, or a citizen of a nation that have American or Russian troops actively deployed or have a strong alliance? If you are, you have a strong likelyhood of being neutral. Be it because of patriotism, or brain washing, or both.
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    Wow... did you guys see this?!?!

    It's basically a bunch of bullshit. (Parts 2 & 3)
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    Monsters vs Ghosts

    For years I was terrified of the guy in the painting in Ghostbusters 2. What do demons count as?
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    Anyone else hate their First Name?

    I dont mind mine, infact i quite like it. but its annoying when people think its pronounced 'julian', or they automatically assume its spelled with a J - its Gillian. I hate phone coversations: me: 'my name is Gillian' someone else: 'julia?' me: 'no, Gillian' someone else: 'julian?' me: NO...
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    I must take a note of this.
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    Greatest internet Fad

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    RIP Nelson Mandela

    Historians will be referring to him hundreds of years from now. The rest of us can only hope for an ounce of that influence.
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    Obamacare or the ACA

    You know that's basically talking to the people who don't want something like this to happen in any way/shape/form because it will cause them to make less money . . . . right? Talking to people, unless they are an objective expert in a certain field, are absolutely useless to get your...
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    Karaoke World Record Attempt: PbNation Can Request Songs

    The Joker and The Thief by Wolfmother Tell Me Baby by Red Hot Chili Peppers
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    What the effffffffff???? Monster of Montauk what is that??
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    uncle found my porn and stole it

    Does it start with eskimo and end in tube?
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    Lookin for a site

    wap site to access via your mobi (cell) free ringtones, pics and other assortied sundries.
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    Sith or Jedi...

    jedi. the dark side is evil. jedi's are hippies of space, that kick butt.
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    How to confuse an idiot.

    Hahahaha I get it I didn't click it.
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    Should I be scared?

    Olympia area. LAWL, my brother hooked up with the 17 year old already in peru. And he's 21
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    Question for the physicists

    Ehhhhhhh. . . that doesn't sound right. Are you sure that show wasn't "Doctor Who"?
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    Army Or Navy

    go HK army :dodgy: srsly GO ARMY!!!!!
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    Breathing and internal Tai Chi

    Sure, why not. I started learning Yang Tai Chi in 2004, following 10 years of practice in other martial arts. I was with my first teacher for a couple of years. In 2006 I left that teacher and found myself training with a local man who focused purely on the combative aspects of Taijiquan...
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    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please*

    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please* Hahaha they swing, they bounce, they move & dance :awesome: ...Well mine do anyway!