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    Help Me! Kitten Dying!!!

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    Chaos and Disruption set to hit UK

    because back in the days before global warming when it snowed you could realistically expect a couple of feet of snow, which means the shops might stay closed, so people just havn't got used to the fact that 2" is as much as we are likely to get
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    Candidates For Terminator 4

    First of all, don't flame me Just want to get some opinions. Since Arnold is not going to be in the next Terminator movie, who do you think of these guys on the list could replace him : Vin Diesel Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Gerrard Buttler John Cena Jason Statham Stone Cold Steve Austin Vinnie...
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    How to approach hot girl?

    Actually I am a virgin but you can be sure it is by choice. And yes it would work. Almost definitely.
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    I wouldn't eat that chicken even when its free.
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    For being from Perth. you should be in Tibooburra instead.
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" "Disorderly conduct" is probably just the title of a broad statute. He was obviously arrested for being a [bleep]. I'm thoroughly pro-gun (on account of I actually have a working brain, ahem, ahem), but in my book this guy crossed the line of...
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    MAP said happy birthday to me :)

    Happy Birthday
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    Wild accussation

    llamageddon went out and bought himself a lambretta and a fishtail parker when he became a global mod.
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    If we women ruled the world

    I suppose he might.
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    Insurance changes?

    It's been done. Men have more high speed (and as such high cost) crashes than women. Young people have more crashes than old people. The above is predictable you look at it above the individual level.
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    Hitler + time = comedy gold?

    When I was at junior school (i.e. age 8-ish) and you wanted a convenient villain for a game, someone would either have to be either Hitler or Maggie Thatcher. Usually the games would just be pretending to beat-up Hitler/Thatcher. Convenient villains who had the advantage of looking villainous too.
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    I used to use it a lot, but now I use torrents and other methods.
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    Who Would Win?

    KGirl has been known to stuff the ballet boxes in polls that involve me My guess is there has been a little extra help from a certain corrupt moderator.
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    Police action at G20 protests

    Fully appreciate you couldn't watch the video mate so I'm not having a go just explaining. In the video a big protest outside the G20 summit are told by the police over helicopter loudspeaker that they're deemed to be illegal and told to move. No one does so a couple of tear gas canisters are...
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    What would you have been called had you been the opposite sex?

    No, but it is my Birth-month;)
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    Making Signatures and avatars.

    ok did it!! sorry
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    What is the best way to make money on the internet?

    I'm not looking for pyramid schemes or anything sketchy like that. Is there any reliable way to make money on the internet essentially from scratch? And help or advice is much appreciated!
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    What is the best way to make money on the internet?

    I'm not looking for pyramid schemes or anything sketchy like that. Is there any reliable way to make money on the internet essentially from scratch? And help or advice is much appreciated!