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  1. J

    Ban the last poster before you post

    *Glances at Pacs avy and rolls eyes* for banning yourself without realising!
  2. J

    The Confession Thread

    I'll buy the tickets if you supply me with an endless supply of alcohol
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    Gun Control

    There is no legitimate reason to need a gun aside from professional interest ie. in marksmanship. It is unneccessary for effective self defence, home defence, etc. Fact is, if the American Government banned all handguns and enforced the ban, then there wouldn't be an unbundance of firearms...
  4. J

    Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

    I was corporally punished as a child, all the way up through middle school. My dad always laid it on us, except for one time when my mom smacked me for sticking my head out the window or something. My old man whooped us with a belt, or a hand, but never really drilled me, except once when he...
  5. J

    When you were young... Did you ever Actually pull a Charizard out of a pack?

    I got one, and I lost it on my way out of the mall. I hated my life.
  6. J

    My dog is going to be in a calander.

    I would have done this if I wasn't lazy.
  7. J

    UK National Lottery

    KickChick; I know of Richard K. Lloyd. He is a genuine guy who runs the BEST UK Lottery Results WebSite. I check my tickets there and chat with him on-line on lottery nights. He knows of this scam and is pretty upset that these people are using his name. Anyway, here is what he has to say...
  8. J

    Gaddafi is dead

    Sorry Hope I didn't offend, Good for you, I've been dieting so no drinking for me as well, LOL on the communist thing.
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Yes! Duh!
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    Funny enough, you're not unusual if coffee sends you to sleep. My current girlfriend is a coffee-holic. We have this free coffee dispenser in my dept that gives you a cup of coffee that has me zipping around the college like a nutter (my tolerance is only moderately high, after all). I often...
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    pro jersey copys

    why oh why would you put this here?
  12. J

    Role playing & tabletop games.

    Role playing & tabletop games. Here we come, out of the woodwork, not sure if it's something about martial arts, or something about the kind of martial artists attracted to internet forums, I be geek and I be proud! (of course I'm also a devilishly handsome modern male balancing on that keen...
  13. J

    Jet car for sale?

    Bet it's easily worth that in spares when repaired. holyheadjch - if you read the description they mention that. I can't really see how it's morbid to sell it - if you went to sell a car you nearly died in would that be morbid? I don't think so.
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    The English Perspective on Scottish Independence and the End of the Union.

    I'm sure the presence of the Signals Corps would be the clincher.
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    Careers with Philosophy

    Oh, granted. And, as opposed to other methods of determining truth, such as rationalism for example.
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    RBS 6 Nations 2009

    The whistle's just gone-BREAD OF HEAVEN FEED ME TILL I WANT NO MORE 23-15
  17. J

    Condoms Spread Aids!

    Yep agreed it dose also come from the mouths of other groups. It is good that people still have traditional values and they have a right to voice their opinion and also a right to choice like a choice not to be brainwashed, so should the less educated in third world countries. On another...
  18. J

    Sea kittens! WTF?

    This is dumb. If PETA was a young person, in elementary school say, and they did this, they'd get a swirly.
  19. J

    Are Sleepovers Gay??

    we have our entire team spend the night at someones house the night before a tourney or a big practice where we're gona travel long distance to get to the field, other than that it better involve girls/booze or even video games sometimes ill be playin halo at my friends house and it'll be like 2...
  20. J

    Are any versions of the Playstation 3 backwards compatible with PS2 and PS1 games?

    I take it I'm going to be answering this question forever too: backward compatibility for the PS3 with PS2 games is as follows: 20GB (4 USB slots, no longer in production) - yes 60GB (4 USB slots, no longer in production) - yes 80GB with 4 USB slots (no longer in production, bundled with MGS4...