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    Man V.S. Leopard - go figure

    Bet he had extra laundry that day!!!!!
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    what is the worst or most unlikely celebrity pairing at this time, or in the

    history of hollywood? example sandra bullock/jesse james
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    Rate the poster above you

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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Your a sick man J
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    Women banned from direct combat roles in US army

    Yeah, I know what you mean. The 'system' in my dojo seems to think I will be hopelessly overwhelmed by male strength unless they equalise by placing me with a 10 year old male who's about 4ft tall or something and can't even reach my solar plexus with his head. In fairness, I do get to train...
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    Thought of the Day

    Ok Rocky.
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    Is it safe to use a 12v car 400amp booster on my 12v motorcycle?

    Hi. I am stuck near Fort William, Scotland with a battery that for the 1st time refuses to start the bike. I have been loaned (by a very nice person) a Challenge 400amp power booster. Will it be safe to use on my 12v CTX7L-BS battery which is on a 250 Honda rebel? I am heading for...
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    for those of you wondering

    My student body president snorted a line of sour skittles sugar.
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    Trees are cool, man.

    shut the fuck up already jesus christ
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    The abortion limit

    And? The point is that people who try and force the cut-off point further and further back actually just want to ban abortion full stop.
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    honda rebel cmx 250cc?

    Does anyone know of a UK source for crashbars to fit a Honda Rebel 250cc 1997? I have looked all over the place with no results. I'm positive someone out there will know, so thanks in anticipation of your help. art m
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    official how to NOT get caught fappin guide

    All of this is a waste of time to read. Simple solution: Anally stimulate your prostate by sitting on an object. You'll be fapping hands free without anyone knowing. For example, I was fapping at the dinner table tonight.
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    The ultimate medicine
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    The "goodbye to wushurichard" thread

    The "goodbye to wushurichard" thread As foolish as his posts may be, that does not justify an entire online community teaming up on one guy. You never know if somebody has emotional problem or something like that so instead of trying to humiliate people why don't you teach them the right way...
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    What does or does not constitute racism?

    Like, calling someone a racist name? Or like denying them a job or something? Because the latter is also illegal here. PL
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    Euro Strength!

    See I think with the fact there is the electoral college that elects are presidents anyway, my vote does not count. Also I believe anymore they use aliens(Mexicans and Asians) to vote in are country illegally. I say this not implying a government body or a political party does this, but a...
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    Love and affection is wrong etc..

    note the post below me jackass. I enjoy your great contribution to this thread too, dick.
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    Nationality Poll

    England, which is part of Britain, is in Europe, so you are a European, but it isn't specific. This is the first MA-related board I've been on where the Europeans outnumber the Yanks! Ha ha!
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    Big Society... what is it? What does it mean to you?

    As long as those making the decisions are funded and courted by big business and the wealthy, they're going to be somewhat wary of biting the hands that feed them.. This isn't and hasn't been limited to the present conservative party, so it seemed a bit unfair to blame them exclusively for that...
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    Free Markets - a good thing or a bad thing?

    On one hand, it means profit out, on the other it means less waste.....depends which is the greater. I kind of feel we will keep the waste, have to generate profit and be over all losers like with the railway.