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  1. Z

    Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

    Hehehe... you're alllll banned now.
  2. Z

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    you dont know me? fuck you. i dont know you either. jp
  3. Z

    Dubya's war crimes

    I know he served but how does this validate your point(s) about him?
  4. Z

    Burning question

    /me watches a rolling tit roll by.
  5. Z

    What beer to buy!?!?!??!

    You have that right. Fosters is kangaroo urine. At least that's what we all call it here. It is a damn fine lager for cooking however.
  6. Z

    Word Disassociation

  7. Z


    I cant say for sure. But i would assume that convinced, and therefore enraged the hungry lions even if they hadnt learned to eat as wild animals. I wouldnt expect hi to leave, even if the lions did not kill him. Because that would prove that god exist. And he does not want that?
  8. Z

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Sure! I'll post it up to you later! Tell me about it!
  9. Z

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I wouldn't mind so much but it's just sat on the drive with the boot locking mechanism not locking and no one at Renault can see me till Friday. Plus, I only had a service a few months back!!!
  10. Z

    Delete all your porn and stop fappin, Ban the Hand!

    you should add making sandwichs to that
  11. Z

    Soldier and Veteran Suicides

    Same goes for Vietnam and the Falklands.
  12. Z

    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    LBR and myself both produce digital content that has been used without being paid for. It's a pretty big cause from where I'm sitting. At risk of derailing this don't get to decide what people choose to debate mate. If they wanna debate it then that's all that matters (so long as...
  13. Z

    Hey ST, comment on my emo poem!!

    On topic: If I was emo it would have rocked! Too bad I'm straight. Yea, I was 13 and I got 16 tubes of blood drawn to get tested for a blood clotting disorder. I passed out right after they took the needle out and woke up in pediatrics. Oh yea, and it was on my birthday :nododgy: :tdown:
  14. Z

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    and the most surreal....
  15. Z

    Flipping "sayings"

    Flipping "sayings" Tie down your haystack well and you need never fear the storm
  16. Z

    Circumcision reduces chances of HIV infection by 60%, says World Health Organization

    What Hannibal and JWT said. And if you don't see any anti-Semitism in that comic book, it makes me wonder about the thread where you complained that a Jewish woman raised accusations of anti-Semitism when, once again, you said none was present. How about jamming needles in them while they...
  17. Z

    Are the majority of people on TSR really clever?

    Academically, yes. Common sense/social skills etc, no.
  18. Z

    The Word Game IV

    Dame Judi Dench
  19. Z

    caption this pic

    this is me if you make fun of me I'll whoop your ass bitch/