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    Rep 4 u
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    female passiveness

    im not sure. Alot of girls nowadays dont have that social pressure on them to find a parter, get married and settle down. Things have changed - and some girls just run wild with it i guess.
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
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    Do you read em?

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    Warning of Alien Attack

    Well, if you like this Then you're all good
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    Gobsmacked re: Microsoft

    LOL. What a mess this is. After living in China - this cozy arrangement doesn't surprise me at all... all the western countries are trying to get their hooks in the pie. And it is a huge pie. Just about every piece of clothing your wearing while reading this was made in China for a Western...
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    Whats your plans for tonight?

    You should tell the one about how you got laid.
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    Are we spoiled?

    What's wrong with low cut pants, on males OR females? I have thick obliques and I'll show them off if I want to, dammit
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    Embryo research

    I agree Chimp. But just remember how busy Asda gets, with a cure to every illness it would increase the populous who will then descend upon Asda and grind the store to a halt!! Please, politicians! Think about the humble Asda shopper before voting!!
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    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    Okay, in broad agreement that cat-calling and so on are at the least demonstrating a total lack of class. That issue is being done to death, but something that I've never felt very sure of is the use of the word 'objectify'. Why is it considered to reduce someone to the status of an object if we...
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    i don't know if this comes under political or religion?

    They have a character flaw. Tolerance is a choice.
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    emo mexicans persecuted?

    lol thats fucking hilarious
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    Some Judges Live On Another Planet

    Because they feel no self-respecting man will marry a woman who wasn't a virgin when they married.
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    Nationality Poll

    My Grandad was from Jamaica, he joined the RAF, and was stationed in Germany, where he met my grandma. on the other side: My Grandad was from Eire (Ireland) came to England to work building the M1 and met my grandma Me: 1/4 Jamaican 1/4 German 1/4 Irish 1/4 English
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    Would you read a story about a girl who is in love with a boy she dreams about...

    ...every night? The boys is real (she finds out later, not a figment of her imagination). Of course there would be more to it and some sort of supernatural explanation- it wouldn't be as far as a stretch as vamps. Just that she hasn't met this boy before and she can't stop dreaming about him...
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    British humor at its finest

    Agreed. Alan Partridge is pretty dire. It's a very well realised comedy about a guy who is irritating, boring and toe-curlingly embarrassing, the problem being that the show is then all those things all well. Okay, bits of it may be amusing, but the overall feel of the show is that of draining...
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    Police action at G20 protests

    You're probably thinking of the UN. If there's ever a time when it must be legal to protest something, it's got to be when that thing's happening. And where the media can show the contrast between the glib insiders and the glib outsiders.
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    The Great Golliwogg Controversy

    Can't see it myself. A racist term from the past before the 'N' word became popular. Very British and very wrong. Sooner she buggers off to India with her mother to shoot tigers the better.
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    Muslims claim that Jesus Christ is "Rooh Allah (Soul of God). Does this mean...

    no we don't claim he is the soul of God, but we believe he is one God's prophets. hope this helps =)
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    Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so

    If half the people you met told you the tooth fairy would send you to hell for not believing...would you stand up and protest and declare that there really is no tooth fairy? I bet you would.