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  1. K

    Cheesecake...or pie..?

    after looking up both definitions of pie and cake, i have come to the conclusion that it is both. it has some qualities of both.
  2. K

    Who do you think you are?

    Did you see Boris's? OMG that guy is related to every royal family in Europe and a direct desendant of King James
  3. K

    The Confession Thread

    I confess I've got a 30 hour run going
  4. K

    Is Iran Next?

    [No message]
  5. K

    Baby Dust Mop? lulz :maybedodgy:

  6. K

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    My most disturbing suppository story was almost exactly the opposite. I felt violated...
  7. K

    What ever happened to........?

    who likes canada in the 1st place?
  8. K

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    that is why i am there... why, to eat the rest of the cake, of course!
  9. K

    Girl bags first deer

    Haha, yeah, it's a quote from Zardoz too! Also, the statement that most animal sex is akin to rape is unscientific and inaccurate. Some of it is though. Some of it's even kind of kinky. Mate binding behavior of male orb-web "Nephila pilipes" spider - YouTube
  10. K

    I give up...

    ... ok but still i would do what i said, and i would talk to her family about who should take care of the baby, but if i ever get married and my wife should do something like that, and no kind of therapy works then off she goes, i'm not a suicidal maniac to have a loved one trowing dangerous...
  11. K

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting I see you trolling. Was Fishy's thread not enough for you macho man?
  12. K

    Is Poetry Dead?

    Coming soon to a latrine near you. (Hey, it's either that or continue to practice for the latrine marksmanship badge.)
  13. K

    Darwin Strikes Again!

    well there's yer problem, its 911 dipshit
  14. K

    Remember the twitter Robin Hood airport thing?

    I think I can safely say the next time I go to the states I will not have this Album on my mp3 player.
  15. K


    do prawns count? what about lobsters or crawfish? they have the requisite number of legs (or more) and I eat them regularly.
  16. K

    Apocalypes NOW???

    Actually it'd be delisciously ironic and darkly humorous if man ended up being wiped off the earth due to something entirely unrelated to anything he's done and that he had zero control over... some random massive bloom of deadly algae that ruins the oceans or water supply and thus any chance of...
  17. K

    How do you feel about the United States?

    we could always score by points by replacing VOTE with IMPEACH.
  18. K


    you live in canada..........
  19. K

    Police had attacked man that died at G20 protests

    Read my post again moosey. I said they were out of line but he is not completely absolved of blame. You'd have to be blind not to tell something was about to happen. I think being struck was mainly a show of force to the other protestors and I don;t think its a terrible idea so long as its a...