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  1. P


    looks like a rainbow penis to me.
  2. P

    Anyone Have A Tattoo????

    My tats, yo.
  3. P

    When did this turn into PokemonNation?

    Way to bump your thread in hopes that more kiddies will see it and flock. OMFGAH POKEMONZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. P

    You can choose one, cats or dogs....

    cats rule! I'm a big Garfield fan too.... well, actually, I like a lot of animals... dogs and penguins included. but if I would have a pet, it would be a cat.
  5. P

    RIP News of the World

    Damn right! What I want is a really good left-wing tabloid filled with tittle-tattle about footballers and slappers. Surely it's not too much to ask for?
  6. P

    slc, UT

    I laughed. Alot.
  7. P


    i found this in there also enjoy
  8. P

    Have I just done the coolest thing ever?

    Sir, you are made of Win.:cool:
  9. P

    Big Families, Problem Children and Parenting (split from Is England Disappearing)

    Take them to the gym / leisure centre every night of the week. Saturday take them sailing. Sunday is Sunday lunch followed by another leisure centre. Don't have time to be bad.
  10. P

    Nobel Peace Prize?

    anyone who is so down on Obama must have a short memory or be entirely ignorant... or voted for Bush... twice. 'Nuf said.
  11. P

    Horrible, horrible nightmare...

    Dude, i'm not the one having dreams about stomping cats to death... Think you might need to up the medication.
  12. P

    Car bomb found in London

    What you've gotta take into account Verx, is that people aren't just saying "some guy with a beard planted a bomb - damn those muslims!". We constantly see things like this: It isn't that people are...
  13. P

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    avatar 6 video game character sig 4 mirrors arent clear they are always full of images
  14. P

    Check out my states food. West Coast = Jealous.

    ~30% of socal population
  15. P

    Britneys "improvements”

    Britneys "improvements LMAO thats so true. though girls nowadays only work at butlins after failing to get on the TV
  16. P

    is wylie cute?
  17. P

    are my birds cute(pic included)sorry about the darkness?