Search results

  1. S

    Naked man found wedged in chimney

    It wasn't burglary, he fell in the chimney hiding from people he owed money to, honest! Guess he must of ate all the pies
  2. S

    Makes you wonder ....

    Please nudge your work mates every few days !!!! Smurf
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    Weather Around the Nation

    10C (50F) And heavy downpour all week. Yay for being on the Northern BC Coast.
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    Shootings in Virginia

    Somebody get me a gun
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    The Great American Smokeout Day!

    It works, and it's great fun, take it from me. Who needs valium when you've got Lily. *gives thumbs up sign*
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    How to Kill Annoying Bird

    i think that bird has a crush on you...why else would it be scratching on your window and whistling a mating call....awww...what cute babies
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    Why cant bll cosby die

    It was barely a joke, he ended up cheating in a track meet o_O
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    Your dream job...?!

    here you go infrazael, everything you need to know to be an effective evil overlord All I ask in return for my sage advice is a trusted (and well paying) position at your side once you have conquered the globe and all it's inhabitants.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    [No message]
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    what color is your room?

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    Breast feeding makes women aggressive

    *shudders at all this talk of babies and thinks longingly about getting sterilized*
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    Friend just got a Noise Violation (Vid)

    I didn't understand a word he said becides Mother FUcker.
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    Best state in country? which one?

    this explains a lot
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    Phil Collins finally solves his receeding hair line

    Love that ad. Saw it for the first time last night. That is one rocking ape...
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    The Member Depreciation Thread

    I wasn't last night. I am now. I just had the best Valentine EVER off a girl :cool:
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    Views on Afghanistan?

    I see two big problems to restructuring Afghanistan. Number one the Taliban and other extremist groups simply set up base in Pakistan then trundle over the border wreak havoc then go back again, or they co-ordinate operations from Pakistan. Number two is the corruption that had become in...
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    Who has the best joke to this topic:?

    Okay, I am in a need for a laugh today. Telemarketers call my house all of the time. I wanna see who can come up with the best way to get ride of telephone telemarketers.
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    Does anyone else get goosebumps?

    i get them all of the time! :D
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    easy ten pts!! i just want to test ppls intellegence. How many of each animal

    Two of each gender unclean animals Seven of each clean animal
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    Can someone give me a rap song title cause im a rap artist and im taking song names

    um, like make some up? Embracing Reality Revenge's Consequences Contemplating Suicide Effects of Pain Love's pulling me off of the edge Dreading Tomorrow