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    Android: Why is new contact added from txt not appearing in my address book?

    Hello, I hope you can help me with this problem, thank you :) I have an HTC Sensation phone on Android Jelly Bean running the latest version of Nova Launcher. My phone is not rooted. Yesterday I got a txt message from someone and I saved their number as a new contact. Now when I open text...
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    How to fix the brightness problem with lg optimus l7?

    I have an l7 and when the britghtness is higher that 40%, it starts changing the brightness comtiniously untill i have to deacrease it... please help.
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    I Survived Hurricane Ike!

    Hello all. Just wanted to say that all is fine with my wife and I here in Houston. Things are slowly seeking to get back to normal, but it may take a while. Are there any other Houstonians who are on this board who are okay? paz, dormindo
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    adobe indesign for windows xp?

    i'm using windows xp . an operating system that the current InDesign no longer supports.
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    Should we ask for bigger and better SUV'S?

    I have been searching about SUV'S. SUV'S are good for big families. Some of you all answered ignorantly to my other questions so I would like to see how you all answer to this. When making one good SUV we can all talk about It and agree on what should be done. What about a SUV about 15 or 20...
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    best places to nap at work

    Don't do it, you might wake up with a kidney missing! (Lilo ) My mate used to work at the QE hospital as an auxillary nurse and they had a room for sleeping in when on duty during quiet periods. Anyway, the room was haunted and staff had voiced concern over things moving around in the room...
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    What store can I buy a cheap blue ray player?

    I bought a blue-ray disc and I cant play it so I need a blue ray player
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    When is Inuyasha: The Final Act DVD Set 2 release date?

    I want to know because I thought it was February 12 but i didn't see it in Walmart (BTW I live in California) Also can you tell me what store to buy it if it's already released.
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    I like big knockers personally. D's are for me.
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    How to get blackberry messenger and other apps for blackberry 8707v?

    I just got a blackberry 8707v, and I really want to get blackberry messenger, but I have no idea how to do that, I though is build in, but I couldn't find it.
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    Cruise Missile

    Sounds like my ex
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    How will a US attack on Iran affect the rest of us?

    Such systems may not have been battle tested but they have been tested thoroughly, Phalanx is a pretty hardy ILDS which is incredibly effective (which is why so many other nations navys have bought it).
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    Can a cop arrest me for carrying a 4 and a half inch pocket knife ?

    i live in Florda..
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    Does goldfish require salt in the tank ? :O?

    Hei guys ~ im new at this so ~ I heard some people say goldfish require little bit of salt in thier tank especailly Orandas ~ O.O
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    Why is my black moor goldfish changing into gold colour ?

    Hello there fellow Animal-Lovers ~ =D Recently i bought four new goldfish together with the old ones are a total of six , two fantail , two oranda and two black moor . The second day morning before i went to school , i was one of my black moor(Mr.Crapper) died and turn alot goldlish somehow...
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    After I install NBA 2k12 in pc, it says Wrong disc inserted. Please

    insert the original "NBA2K12" CD/DVD.? what will I do to play this??
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    My roommates might be dating each other, but won't admit it or discuss it?

    I say leave them be. If they want to let you really know whats going on, they'll make that decision. But don't stop with the warning sounds. You don't want to walk in on anything
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Yes? She wasn't getting paid to have sex with him.
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    Women in the Infantry

    Then I'll be perfectly frank and just say no that I don't think it's a good idea whatsoever. If you're outside looking in it seems unfair but it's one shared by many and for good reason. I've already covered my opinion based on experiences and the reasons behind it so rather than re-hash it...
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    ST help me. Ppl keep saying shit about my feet

    sux2bu edit I lol'd so hard