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  1. T

    do u ever put on ur jersey or pants for no reason

    I did......7 years ago when i was 13 :xeyed:
  2. T

    Who would win USA or Russia?

    Are you stupid? are you completely dense? Please do some research, it will take you 10 minutes tops. Russia's army is no where near the strength of the United States. AA weapons? those are kind of hard to use when they are destroyed by a stealth B2 bomber that they cannot shoot down in the...
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    ،hey st su cinco de mayo!!

    Hoe gaat het? hope you were serious when you said you can speak dutch.
  4. T

    AP Thread

    I've taken World History-4 Art History-4 U.S. History- Pending English Language and Composition- Pending Biology- Pending Human Geography- Pending- Taking it on Fri.
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    UK nerd faces US prison

    But don't you think it's crazy that this nerd is going to get a far longer sentance than any kiddie-fiddler ever got?
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    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays #1 Thank you Meg and others for a spirited discussion over an interesting and controversial topic. Most people here have been respectful and forthright in their posts. I appreciate all the different points of view, and hope that such discussions serve to...
  7. T

    WOW Jessica Beil

    the newest one, yes...... you not seen it yet? she was hot with a capital H, O and T
  8. T

    Favorite Lyrics

    Oh to be that young & think G n R did the original!!
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    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    LOL anarchists =] at university one of my good friends was an anarchist and he once strung a white bedsheet across the wall of the student cafeteria with the words 'smash the state'
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    Britains Debt.. just a little evidence to back your point
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    Christmas song?

    I may be wrong, and if I am feel free to tell me.... is there a group called 'The Darkness' running around just now singing a xmas song about bell-ends?
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    I knew this was only a matter of time...

    You shouldn't wrap your ignorance in humour, it doesn't become you.
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    Dating & why do girls like bad guys

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys the starter of this thread needs to get a hooker dude, whatever it takes, just do it.
  14. T

    Could this be real!?

    Look closely at tile A and B. They seem to be different shades of gray. They are actually the same exact shade. Don't believe it? Try opening up the image in Paint or another image editor and put the 2 tiles side by side
  15. T

    john lennon

    thats badass
  16. T

    favorite Schwarzenegger action movie?

    probably Commando, it's just arnold taking out a whole army and he has a one liner for every bad guy he kills
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    Is the movie 10,000 BC, a hollywood version of Ramayana ?

    interesting, i guess so, but you can say the same for The Fast and The Furious, and Point Break. Cop goes undercover to infiltrate a gang, joins gang, still has to bring them down, but in the end is really close to the "bad guy" but lets him go, just replace surfing with racing cars.