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    Universal Studio fire

    cool while its still on fire, why dont you go inside of it and go die?
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    Accutane stories

    So after looking at the acne thread and wondering what the fuck accutane was, i decided to google that shit and see what it was. Then I found this one website where people share their most embarrasing moments caused by the medication. Some of them are shens (I HOPE) but it is still pretty good...
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    Gun Help

    Springfield XD 40 compact for home defense Get an M16 variant for fun. Try DPMS or Bushmaster for quality rifles and a great price.
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    80 year old lesbians getting married

    cant wait for the lesbo pronz...:dodgy: :dodgy:
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    can any1 tel me how to boot windows7 from a dvd ?

    A friend of mine tried this his computer was smarter then he expected it shut down and he cannot get it back sooo I would stay away from pirated stuff
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    Are Christian's against "Gays"?

    i think that christians are against gays.. one good example, adam lambert is clearly the better singer in american idol. But he became the runner up, bacause of the christians...
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    Exactly what do people mean when they say "Eating Healthy"?

    Does it mean eating like a rabbit all the time, and staying away from all processed foods; is it eating meat all the time and keeping away from processed foods or is it eating anything that you can get your hands on but not a lot of it? There's much more that i could have put down here, but...
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    Is it normal to 'bleed' if the time for your period hasn't come yet?

    In the morning when i woke up, i went to the shower and i looked down and saw blood on the floor. I'm freaked out 'cause i noticed that it was coming from my vagina. it's not the time for my period, i haven't have sex in, like, ever and i was wondering if that sort of thing is supposed to happen...
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    What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

    (i've got a whack.) i saw my friend (guy) come out of the bathroom swearing and when he saw me, he said,"What, you waiting for turn? Need help with it?") Kinda gross but i blushed like mad and he laughed at that. Plus, it kinda stank when he got out. but i couldn't tell him THAT!
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    Here's A Good One For You.?

    There's a bus with 20 people on board. on the first stop, 15 people get out and 2 get in. next stop, 7 people get out and 5 went in. next stop, 3 people went out and seven went in. two more stops later, 10 people went out and 9 went in. Question: How many stops were there? (without looking...
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    celebrities msn addresses?

    I don't know any Celebrities' MSN Adresses
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    I drink nightly... Am I an alcoholic?

    Hi! I crave wine after work. I like to have my 3 glasses after work and on weekends. I like Savingion Blanc. Beer sometimes in the summer. I'm not the type that gets all crazy when I'm drinking or do anything I regret. I don't crave drinks at all during work hours or even during day light. But...
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    Can you ride a bike when you're drunk,

    Its Illegal. You can get a DUI.
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    What is the cutest and most real celebrity couple?

    ummm maybe Will and Jada.. my first choice if they were still together would have been Ryan and Reese, the all-american couple..hehe
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    What celeb are you most like?

    Jessica Simpson - we think the same.
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    Current Events affecting hispanics???

    I need 2 current events from the U.S. that affect Hispanics in the U.S. specifically. It has to have ocured form March 10 though now. i need a internet copy of them, so they will have to be issues that are logged online
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    My husband and i had a friend, then they went to Iraq and then rumors got

    Wait it out. Plan the leave before he comes back. I say wait it out becuase you are entitled to compensation as his wife if something happens to him God forbid. Now is a good time to visit the websites and take your first steps in planning your divorce. Do it while you are young and have no...
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    Lg Chocolate VX8500 Sound Problems?

    My keypad makes sounds, but my ring tones and music do not. I would like to know how to solve it.