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  1. K

    Step Right Into The Danger ZONEEEEE

    wow u really just said that...
  2. K

    A stupid kid at school

    did you tell him that is is fucking weird
  3. K

    is it wrong?

    my aunt and uncle are 10 years apart, but they are both over 18
  4. K

    wallet placement

    back left-wallet front left-keys/gum front right-cell phone
  5. K

    The World Cup

    i dont know what to do... i got my spm training class on thurs but its at the same time as england match!!!!! neone in the same predicament? right now im leaning towards the match
  6. K

    Ask a new Mod anything!

  7. K

    Population of ST?

  8. K

    Day of Silence 2008

    sup Dingle?
  9. K

    the mighty have fallen?

    Howdy people! Perhaps it is conscious of one thing. The place is obtain song the mighty have fallen it is Hoodoo Gurus
  10. K

    Does ST like Fallout?

    hellz yeah i cant wait till i can steal just enough shit in the begining just so i can buy a gun and i dont have to kill a whole town
  11. K

    What Are The Police For?

    You're in a very good position to add something interesting to the conversation. For instance, do you think electing commissioners has a positive or negative impact on policing policy? Does it keep them on their toes and serving the public, or does it encourage fudging the stats and pandering...
  12. K

    Abortion is Wrong

    Hey man, if that's what you think... that's what you think and that's ok. It's not how it's meant, but people will believe what they will.
  13. K

    which is better?

    I have that phone.
  14. K

    Weird/Embarrasing things your parents have said?

    im just gonna ay the sex talk with ur parenst is probably the awkward time. and my dad asked me if i needed any porn and condoms.......
  15. K


    I really don't are what girls decide to wear anymore because half the time the biggest fad of the season looks completely stupid. Bubble shirts anyone?
  16. K

    Michael Phelps

    If you have to ask you're not ready to know.
  17. K

    Anyone knows about serial numbers?

    try an illegal downloading site
  18. K

    amazing dessert

    and it takes like 10 mins for them to make the ice cream
  19. K

    MAP Karaoke

    We need to have a bright young programmer type make an arcade game MAPaoke!