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  1. F

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    frank klepacki just released a solo album with this on it: *insta-buy*
  2. F

    Do women have longer legs?

    Woah it's like Big Foot and the Hendersons over there. By the way, I take 32" leg jeans.
  3. F

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Ok then I guess you think the Israelis should carry on fighting... good thing you're not handling negotiations.
  4. F

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    People who let their rice boil at the temperature of the sun and don't clean the cooker after the goop has welded itself to the ring!
  5. F


  6. F

    Ron Paul - the 13th floor

    Who isn't, That is the most stupid phrase I've ever heard. Now Hitler was definitely not a "pro lifer" he was more of "pro killing". Myself I lean toward being anti abortion, however, I do know a few people that probably shouldn't reproduce. I've often wondered why it's legal to medically...
  7. F

    You are all going to die

    Not unless someone takes your head and with it your power.
  8. F

    Attn Ladies. What will you bid?

    Well are we?? Pressure??? .... what "pressure" would that be?
  9. F

    Health Paper, Hilarity Ensues

    I lol'd so hard hahaa
  10. F

    Death in Dreams

    I have died twice. Only remember one time. In a plane, crashed into a hangar. Black. Death.
  11. F


    Yeh played it about 10 years ago now, when I was 14. Think it was Warhammer 40k....Used to go to the weekly meets at the Games Workshops near me Havent played it in years though - might buy the set for my son and have a play though
  12. F

    new picture battle

    Doesn't always work!
  13. F

    army of darkness

    "Close the door, were you born in a barn, oh yeah you probably were." "Give me some sugar baby." "Hail to the king baby" "Clacktu, varatu, cough cough cough...." One of my all time favourite movies.
  14. F

    limewire help

    rong area
  15. F

    Father/Daughter Talk

  16. F

    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations

    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations I ask myself that very question nearly every second I'm on ST.
  17. F

    Paris Hilton out.

    lol, yeah, that was exactly my point
  18. F

    Read this- Stop and Think

    Just wait for that battery to die!