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  1. J

    Funn day of school.

    We did it with quake. But they found it, deleted it and they found the guys who put it on the computer and suspended both of them.
  2. J

    How many Godparents do you have?

    2, my mums friend and my uncle.
  3. J

    How young is too young?

  4. J

    Why won't my Iphone 3G ring or make a noise when I receive a text?

    I have the Iphone 3G. I got it in April 2010. It's been fine ever since I got it. Last night, I went to eat with my girlfriend. I had my drink in my car cupholder on the way back to her house. SOMEHOW, a screw was THROUGH the bottom of my cup when we were back to her house. I noticed it leaking...
  5. J

    Most akward song

    i can haz musicforum?
  6. J

    Roger Federer had died !!! car accident :(?

    I can not believe it, it will be on the news soon :( RIP Roger
  7. J

    which is harder:losing weight or quitting smoking?

    exactly my situation
  8. J

    Jailbreak iphone 4g please help?

    I just got an iphone 4g and am wondering if there is any way to jailbreak it with 4.0 firmware. Thanks
  9. J

    Drinking Games!

    Ring of fire obviously One whose title is the c word, if you nameen Box head Never have I ever 21 if you are short on materials
  10. J

    Kanye west speaks about thestudentroom

    I've made on for a chat thread. :awesome:
  11. J

    setting up subs in back seat?

    i have a 1997 f250, its a 2 door with folding back seats. is there a way i could take out the back seat and set up a sub on each side, so they could double as seats?
  12. J

    How can I read live text messages on my husbands cell phone?

    If the phone he's using is on the same account as yours, I know ( for verizon at least) that you can go online and read the text messages. Good luck.
  13. J

    Why isnt my xbox 360 connecting to the internet?

    Because 360 is stupid... No, i don't know. Maybe the adapter is messed up. Maybe your router is set to only allow certain computers or maybe the signal is hidden or maybe they will never see us again because either zombies or robots will rule the world in the future. Not us, not humans.
  14. J

    Install PS3 games on PC with Blu ray player?

    I think theres probably some hardware indication the game needs in order to play. It wouldn't be that easy.
  15. J

    What you do if Miley Cyrus broke into your house with a knife and screamed

    "Be my best friend forever!"? ....
  16. J

    world map for elder scrolls game of the year edition for ps3?

    Exclusive content on the 360. Most of it costs money because PSN is free, so the developers aren't paid to put it there by Sony, the way they are paid by Microsoft. Sony is a big corporation but nowhere near as evil and greedy as Microsoft. Microsoft is routinely busted for monopoly-style...
  17. J

    Call Of Duty 4 Maps on PS3?

    The only maps that they have ever released for the game are already out. We'd be lucky to get another set of maps. The ones that are already out can be downloaded at the playstation store.
  18. J

    Top 10 reasons why the PS3 has failed ! Your thoughts ?

    I just want to say that I agree with THE REAL DEAL SEX APPEAL...
  19. J

    do ps2 games work on ps3?

    For the 3,234,514,545,453,453,462,345,653,523,454,901,202,435,440,445,521'st time, only Playstation models with 4 usb's are compatible with PS2 games... 4 usb 80gb is not 100% compatible. Other than the 4 usb models, PS3 is not compatible.