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  1. S

    IMing the wrong person

    pics or shens
  2. S

    gay or not?

    this thread is now about Cinco de Mayo. discuss
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    help with graduation speech

    if you did something good enough to be talking at graduation you shouldn't have to ask us for help..... that, or you go to a school of like 10
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    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    where can i get that picture of you, alot of people talk about it
  5. S

    my burgers rate them... except you hotkarl

    if you put it in front of me I wouldn't eat it unless I had skipped a meal or two. I'm not a picky woman, I'm just not a billy goat.
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    most embarrasing thing that have ever happened to you in class

    i fell asleep in class and the kid in front of me turned around and slapped me in the face, i jumped and i farted when he did. :P
  7. S

    present idea.

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    Power to go back in time......

    Says the kid in Christ Krew.
  9. S

    should i stay in Virginia or go back to Texas?

    Where in va are you going to school. Go to VCU, they're all about artsy fartsy stuff. Tech, JMU, Radford, GMU, ODU will not be so friendly to you.
  10. S

    should i stay in Virginia or go back to Texas?

    Where in va are you going to school. Go to VCU, they're all about artsy fartsy stuff. Tech, JMU, Radford, GMU, ODU will not be so friendly to you.