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  1. fangtaiyang

    Ultamate Showdown Bear grylls vs Survivor Man

    Yeah. I guess how he got ffl was because he did like a documentary on it by going through their training, but he wasn't actually a legionnaire he just did the training.. His legal name is Bear.
  2. fangtaiyang

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

  3. fangtaiyang

    Laughing at liberals do you think there will be no real men left in the

    Texas has plenty of men, but the union would not lose much in that regard if the state did secede. Texas will not secede however.
  4. fangtaiyang

    Even F0x Newz anchor agrees that NRA is ridicuIous.What do you think about

    That is not the stand of the NRA. It is just the opinion of a member.
  5. fangtaiyang

    A trip to Enoshima Island

    pretty gnargnar bruh
  6. fangtaiyang

    Most Annoying Ads EVER!

    Direct Line (Stephen Fry and Paul Merton) "Super Summer Savings Celebration" - Simply for the fact that its on every ad break on every channel and ive seen it about 20409268983,53895895239,98532783 times. I wish they would **** off and i really hope they go bust.
  7. fangtaiyang

    Travel back in time to 1970.?

    In theory perhaps, but first you have to figure out the means to do the time traveling.
  8. fangtaiyang

    Does Obama have to lift the Jones Act every time a Norwegian built cruise ship...

    No, the Jones Act does not forbid foreign shipping. It only protects U.S. merchant seamen and their jobs and benefits. The Act only regulates the shipping industry within U.S. territorial waters and does not ban any foreign vessels or crews.
  9. fangtaiyang

    I am 85 and my passport expires in November I want to travel to Germany before

    Yes, but if you are going to be there longer than the time before your passport expires, you will need to renew your passport first. It isn't difficult and you get get the forms on line
  10. fangtaiyang

    Would apologists for the religion of pieces be in favor of a similar policy

    I am unaware of the religion of "pieces"
  11. fangtaiyang

    Can I sue if someone started terrible rumors about me?

    If the person is telling untruths that are causing you a financial loss or hurting your reputation, you can sue for libel and slander. This will probably not make you nay happier however.
  12. fangtaiyang

    Why is Hollywood liberals so twisted in their thinking?

    You have your facts twisted. More charity comes from the Hollywood film industry than any other single industry in the U.S.
  13. fangtaiyang

    Is it legal in PA to take the door off your jeep and drive around?

    Yes it is legal if the door does come off, but it is also stupid because it is unsafe.
  14. fangtaiyang

    Can a neighbour complain to the police or sue you if you walk around your

    Actually flashing her may be considered indecent exposure. Check you local regulations. Walking around in various stages of undress is probably okay and may, or may not cause her to stop looking in. Put a camera near adjoining windows and pretend to take a picture whenever she is looking in...
  15. fangtaiyang

    how to unlock keypad on motorola razr phone?

    Usually by pressing menu then the star key. If it is locked by a code, you will need the code. If it is brand new the default code is1234 or the last four digits of the phone's number.
  16. fangtaiyang

    Conspiracy....what do you know?

    Neil Armstrong did walk on the moon and there is wind on the moon. The technology was available then. It is better now. The interesting thing about this so-called conspiracy is, as with many others, that no credible reason is given for the conspiracy. What could possibly be gained from it?
  17. fangtaiyang

    Sarah Palin whining and saying not Fair?

    This is not a question, but yes, Sarah is back out there, trying to get her bits of air time. It is advertising and so far, is not helping her image much.
  18. fangtaiyang

    Is organizing a sexual event via the internet (craigslist) illegal?

    That would depend on the state and the city. Advertising on craigslist is not exactly discrete